Mrs McAlinden & Mrs Houston Primary2/3

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 28, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 28th May

Hello everyone! I think you were all out enjoying the beautiful weather yesterday & thankfully it looks like it’s going to continue so I’m not going to post any extra tasks today.  Have a look at yesterday’s tasks or you could practise your spelling words outside – maybe you could use water and a paint brush to paint them on the ground or a fence?

Enjoy the sun and stay safe!

Mrs McAlinden x

May 26, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 27th May

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you had fun joining in some of the virtual sports day events yesterday!  I enjoyed watching some clips on our School Twitter page.    Here are your tasks for today.

Literacy – P2 reading–im-reading  Try reading along with this story or on your own.  Pick either the rabbit or the tortoise then draw a picture and write 1 or 2 sentences to describe the character.

P3 reading  There are a few tricky words in this story so today can you use clues in the book to try to work out what they mean?  The words are havoc,  consulted,  lumbered, ventured.

Maths- sometimes we need to collect data (information) to help us organise charts or graphs and make it easier to understand the information.  Watch this little clip about tally marks on bbc bitesize   Then P3 & P2  follow the link to topmarks and try this game

Finally a little bit of Topic research.  Can you find out about the region of Hokkaido?  Tell me 3 interesting facts about this region.

Enjoy the sunshine too everyone!

Mrs McAlinden x




May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Martes, 26 be mayo 2020 – Tuesday, 26th May 2020

Buenos dias a todos, hoy es martes. I hope you had a lovely long weekend and had lots of fun with your family.

St. Joseph’s Virtual Sport’s Day today. Enjoy getting out and playing with your family. Miss Clark has put all the details of our virtual sports day on Twitter and I hope you are able to take part in some activities.

So, just a few short tasks for you to do this week, you do not have to do them today as you may be busy with the virtual sports day. Have lots of fun.



P2 – every, find, want, girl, wish, them

P3 –  Saturday, Sunday, try, real, different, follow

Task 1 – As always boys and girls read, cover, write and check all your words.

Task 2 – Colour all the vowels blue – remember the vowels are a, e, i, o, u

Task 3 – Can you write the alphabet out in order but MISS OUT the vowels.

Task 4 – Write a short “silly” story about your weekend and include all your spelling words.

Numeracy and Maths

Topmarks and Sumdog – your own choice of games.


Please post some photos of your sports day on to our Media, I would love to see them.

Mrs Houston

May 21, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow


Just a reminder that you have no tasks tomorrow or Monday – hopefully the sun comes out and you can enjoy yourself outside!

Also don’t forget Tuesday is our ‘Virtual Sports Day’ so please try your best to get involved and try some of the events.

Mrs McAlinden x

May 20, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 21st May

Hi everyone, this is your last set of tasks for this week as tomorrow and Monday would have been holidays if we had been at school.

Literacy  – ask someone to test you on this week’s common words.  Also read to or with someone at home.  What did you read?  I am starting to read an old favourite of mine at the moment.  It is called ‘The Great Gatsby’ and this will be the fourth time I’ve read it because I love it so much.

Numeracy – I have set challenges on sumdog for P2 and P3.

RE- today is Ascension Thursday.  This is the day when we remember Jesus ascending (going up) to Heaven.  Bishop Toal is having a special mass online which you can find through facebook if your parents have it  If you can’t celebrate mass then try to make time to write or say a special prayer – think about people who are lonely or sad at this time during lockdown.

Have a lovely long weekend boys and girls and stay safe!

Mrs McAlinden x

May 19, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 20th May

Hello again boys & girls, I hope everyone is safe and well.
Literacy task today – Mrs Houston asked you to watch the story of the the little gnarble.  I wonder what happened next? Can you use your imagination to write a short paragraph of how you think the story might continue? Remember core targets – capital letters and full stops.

Maths – use this link to play the Pirate Bunnies World Adventures game.

Topic – I wonder if you can find out what sweets/candy are popular with children in Japan? Are the sweets different to ours? Do you think you would like them? Or maybe you can find one you’d like, describe it for me & tell me why you’d like to try it!

It has to be very warm today boys & girls but try to get some tasks done then enjoy the good weather! ☀️
Mrs McAlinden x


May 19, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 19th May 2020

Buenos dias a todos, hoy es martes.

Good morning everyone, today is Tuesday.

Literacy – P2 and P3 

(Try all tasks)

Task 1 – look at your spelling words from yesterday and arrange them in alphabetical order.

Task 2 – pyramid spell all words

Task 3 – watch and enjoy the following story.

The author has used his fantastic imagination to write this story.

Task 1 – Did you spot any rhyming words? Make a list of the words you found.

Task 2 – There are many adjectives in this story. An adjective describes a noun. Try to find 3 and make a list.

Task 3 – How does the gnarble escape from the plink?

Task 4 – Draw your own little gnarble, make him or her as colurful as you can and use your imagination.

Numeracy and Maths

Watch the following clip

Task 1 – Draw a map of where you live and show your house. What shapes can you use on your map? Put a picture on media or twitter.

Health and wellbeing

I thought we could try some yoga again boys and girls so I’ve chosen the following clip – Mike, The Cosmic Space Monkey

I hope you have fun trying this yoga class and of course you can practise yoga over and over again so keep watching and practising if you enjoy it.

Of course, if the weather is fine you might prefer to go out on your bike or scooter and that’s fabulous too. Do the things that make you happy, boys and girls!!!

Have a lovely Tuesday (martes)

Hasta luego

Tu maestra (your teacher)

Mrs Houston

May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 18th May 2020

Buenos dias a todos, Good morning everyone. Hoy es lunes. Today is Monday. I hope you have had a super weekend!


Spelling words

P2 – every, find, want, girl, their, what

P3 – same, month, together, Wednesday, work, woman

It is important to practise your spelling words so please read, write, cover and check.  Use multicoloured pens and pencils to do this. Make the vowels the colour red. So, boys and girls if you see the letters a,e,i,o,u they must be coloured red.


P2 – select 3 words and write a sentence for each word.

P3 – select 5 words and write a sentence for each word.


Task 1

Watch the link below then work on the following tasks.

P2 – When you are outside this week, look around and try to spot as many shapes as you can see. For example look for circles, (think about a bike) triangles, squares and rectangles in everyday items.

P3 – You should do the same as P2 but in addition I would like you to measure the shapes if possible. For example the wheel of your bike is a circle so what does it measure in centimetres?

Task 2

Always, always, always practise your times tables.  Say them, whisper them, shout them. Show off to an adult in your house and impress them with your skills.

Health and wellbeing (and a little science too.)

Look in our media section at the photos of the tree in my garden. I have included a close-up of its leaf and a list of leaf types.  What kind of tree do I have in my garden? When you are out walking or on your bike ask your adult to take some photos of trees and their leaves then use my leaf guide to work out what type of tree it is.  Let me know what you find, I would love to see a photo in media.


A fun Spanish song for you to sing and enjoy.

God Bless boys and girls

Your teacher

Mrs Houston

May 14, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 15th May

Happy Friday!

Literacy tasks today – ask someone to test you on your common words for this week. Also choose 3 of these words to use in sentences. Try to use an adjective in each sentence too.

Numeracy – topmarks Daily 10. Choose from addition or subtraction today.

Finally, choose from one of these eco tasks –

*help to sort recycling in your house

*plant/weed your garden

*leave out food for birds or local wildlife

*save energy in your house by being an eco monitor – switch off lights/electricity/ running taps if they are not being used.

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls.

Mrs McAlinden



May 13, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 14th May

Hi again everyone.

Today for literacy I’d like you to combine some of your artistic skills and persuasive writing.  Can you make a poster for our “Virtual Sports Day” which is going to take place on Tuesday 26th May.  If you look on the school Twitter page you will see a little video to tell you more about it.

Remember what we learned about being persuasive – use WOW words, make your poster bright and colourful and include important details.


Numeracy – some outdoor activities today.  Use balls to practise counting and estimating skills.

  • Guess how many times you can catch a ball without dropping it. Then try it out.  Was your guess near?
  • Predict how many times you can bounce and catch a ball in a minute.
  • Can you and a partner roll/bounce/throw a ball 20 times between you in a minute?

Finally if you have some time follow this link and have a look at “Our Japanese collection” there are lots of lovely and interesting pieces of art.  Which do you like, why?  There is a woodblock print with a cherry blossom tree which I like.  I love the beautiful colours and it looks sunny and peaceful.

Have a lovely day and be sure to say hi!

Mrs McAlinden x

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