Mrs McAlinden & Mrs Houston Primary2/3

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 9, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 10th June

Hi everyone, it was lovely to see some of the Primary 3s on Zoom this week.  It really made my day.  I hope all of you are well.

To continue our focus on STEM week today’s task is about engineering.  You will need a few things and ask an adult to help you.

  • bubble fluid or washing up liquid
  • glue or sticky tape
  • cotton buds
  • a bowl
  • a straw

Instructions –

  • Use the glue stick or sticky tape to create a cube out of the cotton buds.  If you’re using a glue stick, give it time to dry.
    • Fill your bowl with bubble fluid or washing up liquid (with water) and dip your cube into the mixture.
    • Remove your cube from the liquid and with a straw gently blow into the centre.
    • With a bit of practice, your final result should be a square bubble!

This video shows you how to carry this out and might be helpful for you to watch first.

Since that might take you a bit of time for Literacy I would like you to read a book of you choice with an adult and practise your spelling words and handwriting by writing your words out twice in capital letters.

For Maths today there are tasks set on Sumdog.

Have fun and good luck with the bubbles!  Remember to post pictures or videos on our School Twitter page and watch out for Miss Clark’s challenges.

Mrs McAlinden x


June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 9th June 2020

STEM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)

Good morning boys and girls, have you been able to do some STEM activities so far? I hope so, there will be more tasks to do throughout the week and I hope you find some that you enjoy.

Today I am posting a computer technology task for you to try. Everyone uses the internet and it is a fabulous resource for us all, however it is important to be internet awesome.

Task 1

Play the game INTERLAND  to learn about how to stay safe on the internet. On your Glow launch pad you will see a tile with the       INTERLAND game, click on this tile and begin. You can play this game anytime you wish.

Task 2

Look on St Joseph’s Twitter page to see what  Miss Clark has posted for you today.

Task 3

Don’t forget about St Joseph’s Super STEM share – post some photos if you can.

Task 4

Tune in to the remote osprey nest cam at Loch Arkaig Pine Forest to meet the new arrivals. The osprey eggs have hatched and 3 little chicks are in the nest. Watch on the link below as Mummy (Aila)  and Daddy (Louis) take care of their little ones.

Find out some facts about ospreys.

What food do they like to eat?

What country do they go to at Winter time?

How can you tell if it is a boy or girl bird?

Task 5

Set a timer for 2 minutes.
Then, start with zero and
create a number sequence
counting up in 2s for P2 and 3s for P3. How high
can you get before the
time runs out?

Enjoy all the STEM activities!

Have a great day

Mrs Houston


June 7, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 8th June 2020

STEM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)

Good morning everyone, buenos dias a todos.

This is St Joseph’s STEM week and Miss Clark will be posting lots of interesting STEM activities on Twitter for you to try throughout the week. Here is some information about STEM Share. Look down this page and you will see a science activity to try with raisins!

Here is activity #1 (science)

Bobbing Raisins
Note: This activity can be done with regular
household items, but don’t forget to ask an adult to supervise. (This experiment is from
Gas Release
• Clear glass jar
• Carbonated drink (clear possibly lemondade)
• Handful (4-6) of raisins
1. Pour the carbonated drink into the glass jar
2. Drop the raisins into the glass jar
The bobbing up and down happens because
the bubbles of the carbon dioxide gas in the
drink are much less dense than the drink or
the raisins.
Once the raisins start bobbing up and down, they
continue to rise and fall for about an hour.
• Raisins are denser than the carbonated
drink, so they will sink.
• Gas bubbles attach to the wrinkles on
the raisins.
• When the raisins are covered with the
bubbles they become less dense than the
drink, so they start to rise.
• The gas bubbles start bursting and then the
raisins become denser than the drink, so sink again.


Write your Spelling words 3 times using HUGE BLUE letters then write them 3 times using tiny red letters.

Primary 2 – four, miss, never, these, round, cook

Write 3 sentences, try to type them on to Glow and use a capital letter to begin your sentence and a full stop to end.

Primary 3 – talk, air, lift, land, Tuesday, afternoon

Write 5 sentences using a capital letter to start and full stop to end.


Check out the STEM activities on Twitter set for you by Miss Clark.

Take part in the St Joseph’s Super STEM Share…all details above.

Have a super scientific STEM week

Your teacher

Mrs Houston


June 4, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 5th June

Friday again boys and girls!  Here are today’s tasks.

Literacy – choose a way to get tested on your spelling words. You could spell aloud, use a whiteboard or coloured pencils. Whatever you choose.

Maths – I have set some challenges on Sumdog for you today.

Finally, do an act of kindness for someone at home and tell me what you chose to do.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs McAlinden x

June 4, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Good morning, here are your tasks for today.

Literacy – practise your spelling words by spelling them out loud. Some grammar work today too. Can you remember what a verb is? It is an action word like jump or run.
P2 – can you write 3 sentences with a verb in each?
P3 – can you use some past tense verbs (remember that means the action has already happened)? Try to give me 4 sentences.

Maths – yesterday we introduced pictograms. Can you use this information to make your own pictogram?
In P2/3 – 5 children like strawberry ice cream, 10 like vanilla, 7 like chocolate and 3 like mint choc chip.  How can you shows this – look at the link from yesterday if you need some help.

PE – looks at this link The Olympic Games were due to take place in Tokyo this summer. Unfortunately they won’t be going ahead but here is an exercise you can do in your living room!
Remember to say hello if you are on Glow or show some of your work in the media section if you can.

Mrs McAlinden x

June 3, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 3rd June

Hi boys & girls, it was lovely to see some of you on Zoom last night. You are starting to look so grown up and lots of missing/new teeth too! It really made me smile to say hi.

Tasks today-

Literacy- Mrs Houston posted a really fun story for you this week but the book had no pictures. What would you draw to go in this book, how would you illustrate it? I would love to see some of your ideas.
The book also had lots of rhyming words. Can you make up your own silly rhyme?

Maths – last week we had a look at tally charts. Another way to collect and show  information is through a pictogram. A pictogram uses little pictures – this clip explains it well Watch the clip then try this game on top marks which will let you see how to make your own pictogram.

Finally, can you find out about Japanese Zen Gardens? You could tell me 3 facts about these and maybe even try making your own!
Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs McAlinden x

June 2, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 2 Zoom post tonight at 7pm

Hi everyone,

Here is the passcode for tonight’s P2 Zoom call

Zoom details: Meeting ID – 5309057861 Password – 2eLKJn

Hope you can all zoom in.

Unfortunately I don’t have Zoom on my laptop so can’t join but I hope you all have fun.

Mrs H

June 1, 2020
by User deactivated

martes, 2 de junio 2020

Good morning boys and girls. Buenos dias a todos.

Primary 2 – Remember there is a Zoom call for you tonight at 7pm., I hope you can join in to see your friends.

Primary 3 – Your Zoom meeting is on 8th June at 7pm.

Here are your tasks for today.

Health and Wellbeing

Whilst the weather is still fine boys and girls go out for your walk or cycle and take some photos of flowers to post on our media library. I would love to see them and maybe a little photo of you too.

If you can’t take a photo of a flower maybe you could draw one and post on our media library.  Drawing and colouring can be so much fun and is also very relaxing.


Task 1

Read and listen to the story in the link above. I would like you to write a blurb for this book. Remember the blurb is the short description that is always on the back of the book to give us a clue what the book’s story is about. You should write 2 or 3 sentences for the blurb.

Task 2

Draw a picture for the front cover of the book, remember to mention the title and the author’s name.

Maths and Numeracy

Continuing the BBC series of measurement clips – have fun watching.

Ted is very easily distracted in the kitchen and when an order comes in for chocolate cake Titch knows that he will need some help.

Ted learns about the units we use to measure mass and volume. Together they use balance scales to measure in grams. Then they use a measuring jug to measure in millilitres.

Ted begins to understand the difference between millilitres and litres and grams and kilograms. He learns that 1000 grams weigh the same as 1 kilogram.

Question…how many millilitres are in a litre? Send me your answer please.

Spanish – La Granja (the farm)

Los animales (the animals)

Watch the clip and learn the Spanish words for all the animals on the farm.

I hope you enjoy this Spanish clip.

Hasta luego,

Senora Houston.

May 31, 2020
by User deactivated

lunes, 1 de junio – Monday, 1st of June, 2020

Boys and girls, welcome back to another home schooling week! I think this is week 11. Gosh I can’t believe it.  I will be working at the High School Hub today so I may not get back to you until later today.

There will be a class meet up on Zoom.

P2 – Tuesday, 2nd June at 7pm

P3 – Monday, 8th June at 7pm.

I hope you can join in to chat to your school friends.

Here are your tasks

Literacy – spelling

P2 – father, mother, head, jump, five, eight

P3 – eye, low, animal, such, picture, morning

It is important to practise your spelling words so please read, write, cover and check.  Use multicoloured pens and pencils to do this. Make the vowels the colour red. So, boys and girls if you see the letters a,e,i,o,u they must be coloured red.


P2 – select 3 words and write a sentence for each word.

P3 – select 5 words and write a sentence for each word.

Maths and Numeracy

Continuing the BBC series of measurement clips – have fun watching – the next time you have pizza or any round food such as doughnuts, apples, oranges you could measure them, I hope you get the biggest slice!


Health and wellbeing

Have a look at the beautiful flowers I have posted on media. There is a pink one, a yellow one and a lilac flower. I wonder if you know what types of flowers they are? Tell me if you know the answer. Now can you take some photos of a flower in your garden or when you are out a walk and post on media. Thank you

Yoga and relaxation

Watch the following clip – Arnold the Ant, A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure and have fun practising the yoga moves.

And Finally…

Some music for you to practise singing along to some opera

Have a lovely Monday everyone

Buenos dias

Your teacher

Mrs Houston

May 29, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 29th May

Happy Friday & another beautiful day.  So only a few short tasks today so you can enjoy the sunshine and have fun.

Literacy – ask someone to test you on your spelling words. You could use a ball and for each throw/catch you shout out a letter.

Numeracy – topmarks Daily 10. p3 I would like you to focus on times tables and P2 addition.

Finally, have you done something you are proud of this week? Tell me about this or post a photo in the media section to show me.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine boys and girls. Stay safe!
Mrs McAlinden x

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