Mrs McAlinden & Mrs Houston Primary2/3

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Tuesday, 31st March 2020


Buenos dias a todos.  Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well.  Here are some little tasks for you:

Literacy – Practise your common words. Say, write and read them. Ask an adult to test you.

Poem for Tuesday

My Best Friend by Abby Jenkins (adapted)

Black and white, thick and furry

Fast as the wind, always in a hurry

Couple of spots, rub my ears

Always comes when his name he hears.

Loves his ball, it’s his favourite thing

What’s most fun for him?  Everything!

Try to write a short poem yourself about an animal or pet.


P2  Continue to practise counting to 100 in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s. 2x tables. (use to help)

P3 Continue to practise counting on and back to 100 same as P2. 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x tables. (use to help)

Primary 3 try some chimney sums like the following –





Check out  This site has basic numeracy games but I  like it because it can be converted to Spanish with the click of a button.  I’m sure you will enjoy it especially our primary 2 children.

This is Our Faith

Say a ” Hail Mary ”


Count to 10 in Spanish then try doing it backwards

Have a great day boys and girls

Senora Houston




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