Good morning everyone (buenos dias a todos) I hope you are all well. I am working at home today. Here is a little plan for you.
Log on to youtube and workout with Joe Wicks, have fun!
Literacy – P2 and P3 Write out your common words 3 times, select 2 of the words and write a sentence for each word. Remember to use a capital letter and a full stop.
Here is a little spring-time poem for you to read.
My Rabbit.
My Rabbit has funny habits.
When I say sit, he sits.
When he hears me call he wags his tail a bit.
When I throw a ball he grabs it.
What a funny rabbit!
by John Agard.
Numeracy – log on to and select Learning Games for your age group. Choose a category multiplication and division and play Hit The Button.
P2 count to 50, say 2x table out loud
P3 count to 100, say 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x tables out loud.
This is our Faith – Prayer to Our Lady – say the Hail Mary with your family members.
I hope you have a nice day today boys and girls, I know it will be hard being inside so much and missing school. I am missing you all very much and I hope to see you soon. Take care and be good.
Buenos dias a todos
Esta nublado (It is cloudy)
Senora Houston
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