Mrs.Curran and Mrs. McHugh's Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

April 27, 2020
by Mrs Curran

Tuesday, 28th of April

Good morning boys and girls!

Here are your tasks for today and remember to keep posting your answers to us as we love to see your wonderful work! ✔😃


Primary One

Can you find all of the words in the word search ?


Primary Two

Can you find all of the ‘ue’ words hidden in the word search and write them in the comments box?

I’ve added a paper copy of the word search below for you to print out if it helps you to find the words more easily.✔

ue word search LC



Mental Number Tasks:

  • P1 Revise your number bonds to ten using the song below.

  • P2 Revise your 5 times table using the song below.

All groups: Log into Sumdog and choose three games or complete the set challenges.


STEM Challenge

Can you use Lego bricks and a marble to create and design your own marble run?

Ask an adult to take a picture of your design and upload it to our Teams page or to our school Twitter page St Joseph’s Twitter Page Link. We can’t wait to see your designs! 😊



April 27, 2020
by Mrs Curran

Monday the 27th of April 😃

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope that you had a lovely weekend and had lots of fun outside with the weather being so good! 😎

Here are your tasks for today and remember to keep posting your answers to us! ✔😃


Primary One:

  1. Log onto the Oxford  Owl Website  and use the log in details to access the free ebooks to help practise and develop your reading skills in the class login section :

Username – StJoes21

Password: school123

Try to read the story : “The Toys’ Party” and complete the two activities.

2. Look at this picture – can you write 3 sentences about it ?


Primary Two

  1. Log onto the Oxford  Owl Website  and use the log in details to access the free ebooks to help practise and develop your reading skills in the class login in section :

Username – StJoes21

Password: school123

  • Ladybirds – Read the story “Skills and Thrills”
  • Beetles – Read the story “No Tricks, Gran!”

2. Can you write a beginning, middle and end task to recount the main ideas / facts  from your story?

Blank bme task

Numeracy – Handling Data  

Primary One:

Try these tally mark  and pictogram games below to find a new way of counting objects and recording them using marks and pictures.

 Tally Marks

Pictogram Game


Primary Two:

Today you are going to click on the link below and practise reading different bar charts to count objects and find out information.

Bar chart activity


General Knowledge Quiz 1

Ask an adult to help you find out the answers to these general knowledge questions, but you will  know some of the answers without any help I’m sure!! .

I will post the answers here later on today! Good luck! 👍😁

  1. What sort of creature is a dingo?
  2. In which country is the Taj Mahal?
  3. What is the capital city of Russia?
  4. What are the names of Harry Potter’s parents?
  5. What are the five oceans called?
  6. Which language is spoken in Australia?
  7. What is the name of the tree that produces acorns?
  8. What is a baby kangaroo called?
  9. How many sides does a hexagon have?
  10. Who is First Minister in Scotland ?

April 24, 2020
by gw09mcgeeclare@glow

Friday 24th April 2020

Happy Friday boys and girls. The sun is shining so make sure you have some time outside to enjoy the sunshine.

Today’s tasks :

Task 1

Read your favourite book or a part of your favourite book to someone at home. Primary 2 remember we were focusing on using expression in our voices – we don’t want anyone to fall asleep! haha!

Task 2

Spell Check – ask someone at home to check your spelling of this weeks common words.

Primary 1 – have,  just, to

Primary 2 – blue, best, number, other

Create your own silly sentence using all of this weeks common words – remember it doesn’t need to make sense. Have fun.

Task 3

Get Active – complete Joe Wicks school workout or do some exercise outside in the garden or go a walk with your family. It is very important we keep our bodies active.

Task 4

Sumdog – complete a task on sumdog for your maths activity today.

Have a great Friday Primary 2/1 and enjoy the fantastic weather whilst staying safe.

Mrs Mchugh and Mrs Curran x

April 23, 2020
by gw09mcgeeclare@glow

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all well and are enjoying the lovely weather with your family.

I have loved seeing lots of your videos this week, what talented boys and girls we have in our class. Well done!

Today’s tasks are :

Task 1

World Earth Day – Yesterday was World Earth Day and I thought this was a very special day especially this year when we have time to really appreciate the world we live in. Where is your favourite place in the world? Is it a park? Is it your garden?Is it a forest or woods?Is it a favourite holiday destination? Why do you love it there?

Primary 1 – Draw a picture of your favourite place in the world and have a go at writing a sentence about where it is and discuss with your family why this is your favourite place.

Primary 2 – Write about your favourite place in the world telling me where it is, why you love it, who is usually with you in this place. Draw a picture of your favourite place.

I can’t wait to see where you love the most in the world.  Remember you can upload photos to our teams page or just to this page. If not you can keep all your tasks together in a folder and when we get back to school you can bring them all in to Mrs Curran and I.


Task 2

Mental Maths number bond practise. Can you time yourself saying your number bonds and see if you can beat your time.

Primary 1 – Practise your number bonds to 10.

Primary 2 – Practise your number bonds to 20, 30, or 50. Challenge yourself.

Remember at first it will help to write them out if you are doing number bonds to 10 or 20. Learn them off by heart through practise, time yourself saying your bonds then ask someone else to test you like knockout saying one half of the bond you say the other.


Task 3

It is another beautiful day. Go a walk with your family or look around your garden to look for things that begin with your phoneme for this week. Primary 1 “l” and Primary 2 “ue”.  Write the words down thinking about your spelling strategies to help you sound out tricky words.

Have fun!

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Mrs Mchugh and Mrs Curran x

April 22, 2020
by Mrs Curran

Wednesday, the 22nd of April. 😁

Good morning boys and girls!

We hope that you are well and managing to complete your set tasks okay.

Mrs McHugh and I are missing you all very much and really like to see you posting your comments on this page or on our Teams page, so that we can keep in touch with you.

If you would like more activities to keep you busy, Mr McCloskey has sent new grids home to your parents for you to complete.


Literacy Task – Writing

Puss in Boots BME task P1

Puss in Boots story writing frames for P2 

B/M/E task P2 

  • If you don’t have access to a printer, you can write and draw your answers on a whiteboard or a piece of paper.
  • Post a picture of your text on this page or send it to us on Teams please.


Primary 1 : Here is an Easter number workbook for you to complete to revise your number skills to 10.



Primary 2 : Here is a booklet to help you  revise the ten times table.

10 times table Booklet

⭐Try to keep logging into Sumdog to complete the set tasks and challenges too. ⭐


Look, See, Wonder Task

Look at this picture and then tell me:


  • What do you see in the picture?
  • What do you think is happening? 
  • What do you wonder about? Is there anything that you would like to know? 




April 21, 2020
by Mrs Curran

Tuesday 21st of April 😊

Good morning boys and girls!

Here are your tasks for today  and remember to post your answers here or on our class Team page. We are looking forward to reading your replies!

Thanks, Mrs Curran and Mrs McHugh 👩👩👍


Literacy Tasks

Primary 1 :

We are going to revise the common words :

  • have

  • just

  • to 

  • Can you rainbow write these words or use materials to make these words. Ask an adult to take a picture of your words and post it in the comments box.
  • Copy and complete these sentences using one of your common words :
  1. Charlotte is going _________ the shops with her mum.

  2. Andrew  was ____________about to sit on his   bike🚲 when it started to      rain. 🌧

  3. The boys and girls _________ lots of lollipops🍭 to eat.


Primary 2

We are going to revise the common words :

  • blue

  • best

  • number

  • other 

  • Can you rainbow write these words or use materials to make these words. Ask an adult to take a picture of your words and post it in the comments box.
  • Copy and complete these sentences using one of your common words :
  1. Findlay doesn’t like eating   ___________ sweets 🍬after his dinner.

  2. Jenna said to Lily “My favourite ___________ is twenty-five.

  3. Lucy  and Belle are ________friends👧👱‍♀️ because they always play together at school.

  4. Mum said ” Please take the small ____________ box of toys outside to play so that you don’t fall.”



P1: Try this shape game: Shape patterns game 🔴🔷🔺

P2 : Log onto Sumdog and complete the new multiplication challenges set.

Sumdog Login

 General Knowledge

I thought that it would be fun to find out more about the countries in our word and their capital cities. Watch the video below then match the country to its capital (ask an adult if you need  help to read the words).

















April 20, 2020
by Mrs Curran

Monday the 20th of April 😎



Welcome back boys and girls!

  • We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break with your families and are ready to get back  to our distance learning! The weather has been lovely and we hope that you had lots of fun doing outdoor activities.


  • Here are your tasks for today and remember please post your answers, questions and pictures in the comments box or on our Teams page so that we can keep in touch with you and see all your great work.                                           Thanks, Mrs Curran and Mrs McHugh 👩👩😁👍


Primary One :

  • Today we are revising the ‘l’ sound. Watch the video of Geraldine below to remind yourself of this sound and words that have this sound in them.
  • Can you write two sentences that have at least one ‘l’ word in each of them? Remember to include your core targets too!                              Here’s my sentence : Mrs Curran and Mrs McHugh love to learn new things with our lovely class.


Primary Two :

  • Here is a video to remind you of the ‘ue’ phoneme sound that we learned in term two. Can you watch the video below and then create a phoneme tower of all the words that contain the ‘ue’ sound ?


  • Here is a problem for the Primary One children : How many squares can you see ? Post your answers in the comments box please!

How many squares?


  • Here is problem for the Primary Two children to have a go at. Why not act out the situation to help ?

You  need to remove six matches to make  10. Which ones do you move?

Make 10 brain teaser

Other Curricular Areas  

P.E – Try out an activity from Joe Wicks or do some Cosmic Yoga on YouTube with your family. 🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️🧘‍♀️

Art – Watch this video and try to recreate an Easter Bunny picture  to put on your window to remind you of Easter.🐰



April 3, 2020
by gw09mcgeeclare@glow

Easter Break

Hi again everyone,

Just to let you all know this will be the last post on glow until the 20th April 2020 as today we would be stopping school for our Easter break. I hope during this time you enjoy time to rest and have family time with your loved ones. There will be activities on the school glow page, St Joseph’s page if you are looking for activities to do. Remember you can tune into services and mass on our St Joseph’s parish website during Holy week and Easter. We hope you have a lovely break and stay safe.

Thank you all for all your efforts and coping with the change to our daily routine.

We wish you a happy and holy Easter.

Mrs McHugh and Mrs Curran x

April 3, 2020
by gw09mcgeeclare@glow

Friday 3rd April 2020

Good morning Primary 2/1,

It’s Friday, I hope you all have a happy Friday at home.

Task 1 – Spell Check

This week you were practising your spelling words so like our usual Friday ask some one at home to test you on your words and let me know how you get on. I’m sure we will have lots of full marks.

Task 2 – Spring

Spring has sprung. We are now in the season of spring and there are lots of signs of spring in our gardens and all around us. If you are able to go walk with your family then have a look for signs of spring, discuss with your family and if you have time you could write to me to let me know what you spotted and draw a lovely spring picture to brighten up your day. Primary 2 – write a paragraph to describe your picture. Primary 1 – write a sentence describing your picture. Try to add an adjective. (You could up load a photo of your spring picture to our page or teams.)

Task 3 – Easter

If we were at school we would be finding out about the week ahead, Holy Week which starts with Palm Sunday this Sunday. As some one at home to tell you about what happens during this week and why it is such an important week. We have been praying the rosary a lot at home and maybe you have been too with your family. Please take time to pray with your family.

You could create a nice Easter card or craft if you have time.

Task 4 – Maths

Practise your number bonds and play a game of “knockout”.

Sumdog activities.

Thank you boys and girls for all your work this week. Mrs Curran and I are very proud of you all and missing you all lots. Have a good day boys and girls. Remember today we stop for a holiday so get today’s tasks done and then you can have a break!

Mrs McHugh and Mrs Curran x



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