Good morning boys and girls,
I hope you have had a good week. Primary 1 children I m so sorry I couldn’t get on to your zoom catch up last night my internet wasn’t connecting. I hope you all enjoyed your catch up. Primary 2 it was lovely to see you all on Tuesday night. Mrs Curran and I are missing you all so much.
Today’s tasks:
Primary 1 – Write a silly sentence that uses all this week common words. Remember it doesn’t have to make sense. Have fun with it.
Primary 2 – Write a silly paragraph using your common words from this week. Remember it docent need to make sense.
Remember punctuation, a sentence needs a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Use this task to practise perfect handwriting.
Personal choice. You can pick a book from the level you have been working on from oxford reading tree website and if you can not access it you can pick a book you have at home.
Primary 1 – Try a cut up sentence. Ask someone to help you with this task. Ask someone at home to pick a sentence from the book and write it on to a strip of paper. Cut up the sentence into words and then you have have to sort the sentence into the correct order and find it in the book. Just like we would do in class.
Primary 2 – Write a BME. What happened at the beginning, the middle and the end of the story? Use your own words and remember it is a summary not word for word.
Once again four on using the correct punctuation, especially capital letters and full stops.
“Estimate the amount” play this game with your family you ca use anything or any objects that you ca count I used pasta with my kids. (Dried pasta). Pour pasta into a bowl or a jar and estimate (a careful guess) how many pasta tubes or shapes there are. Count them and the person who is the closest wins a point. Play for as long as you and someone at home wants and see who wins. The will help you with the skill of estimating.
Try this game
Primary 1 have a go at level 1.
Primary 2 have a go at level 2.
Art and Design
If you used pasta or something else that mum or dad thinks you can no longer use in the kitchen (sorry) then use whatever it is to create something artistic. It could be a pasta necklace or a pasta picture. Use your own creative minds to create something with what you used if you can reuse it in another way.
Have a great day everyone.
Mrs McHugh x
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