Mrs.Curran and Mrs. McHugh's Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Wednesday, 29th April ⭐


Hi boys and girls,

I hope that you are well and enjoying logging on to complete your activities. Here are today’s tasks for you to have a go at.


Literacy Tasks 

Primary One:

  1. Log onto the Oxford  Owl Website   again and use the log in details to access the free ebooks to help practise and develop your reading skills in the class login in section :

Username – StJoes21

Password: school123

  • Butterflies: Read the story “Red Ned”

  • Can you answers these questions about the story in sentences ? Watch the short video to remind you how to write a sentence correctly.

  1. What is Red Ned ?     Red Ned is …..

  2. How did Dad make Red Ned ? Dad made Ned with ……….

  3. Do you think Ned was good at cleaning ?




Primary Two:

  • Log onto the Oxford  Owl Website   again and use the log in details to access the free ebooks to help practise and develop your reading skills in the class login in section :

Username – StJoes21

Password: school123

  • Ladybirds – Read  the story “The Lazy Giant “

  • Beetles – Read the story “The Orchid Thief”

  • Now complete this task about of the main characters in your story using adjectives (describing words) by clicking on the link blow to print off the worksheet or write about the character in your homework jotter.

 Character Description Task 1




Today all groups are going to revise odd and even numbers with the activities below. If you don’t have access to a printer, then try the online odd or even game below to revise your number skills.

I’ve added your favourite odd/even song to help remember how to identify odd/even numbers. 😎


P1 : odd-bottom-more1

P2 : even-middle-more1

Odd/Even Ninja Game

Coconut Ordering-odd or even



Let’s practise our morning prayer that we say at the start of each day. Can you remember all of the words?

Morning Prayer

Father in Heaven you love me,

You’re with me night and day.

I want to love you always,

in all I do and say.

I’ll try to please you Father,

 Bless me through this day.


Art and Design 

We are now in the season of Spring which means new life and growth. The days become longer and the weather becomes warmer. Can you create and design a spring picture using materials that you have at home ? Ask an adult to take a photograph of your drawing and add it to our Teams or School Twitter page.

We can’t wait to see what you have created! 😎🐰🌼🌷🌿🌱🌳🌞


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