Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

January 12, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow
1 Comment

P.E. for Wednesday

I know we don’t usually have P.E. on a Wednesday but thought I would mention that on the CBBC channel today at 10.05a.m. Marcus Rashford  will be the celebrity supply teacher in case you fancy tuning in?

January 11, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Word of the Day 😁

Good morning P7, happy Tuesday to you all. I have to say that I was well impressed with so many of you remembering to register yesterday and I really liked the suggestions of some of your favourite words.

The word for today is ‘fiddlesticks‘.

January 11, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Literacy for Tuesday – Spelling

Look back at the fifteen words from yesterday and use them to complete the tasks below.

  1. L,S,C,W+C each word twice.
  2. Select five to (rw) rainbow write the vowels.
  3. Pick a different four for (sy) syllabification.
  4. Choose one word to create a (mn) mnemonic for.

January 11, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Literacy for Tuesday – Reading

Hopefully by now you have had the chance to complete reading Chapter One of Victorian Venture, if not please aim to do so before starting the tasks below.


Task 1 – Metalinguistics

Word                            What I Think        Method        Dictionary Definition

macabre (pg2)

redundant (pg3)

warped (pg4)

sceptical (pg11)

Just like we do in school, consider the first two columns before going to record the dictionary definitions and when completing the ‘what I think’ column focus on the context of the story.

Task 2 – Visualiser

So far you will have read a bit about the characters Tilda & Charlie. Your task is to create a visualiser about one of them, record all the key information along with supporting quotes that support your thinking.

It could be good, if you were to create this in a specific colour. After the further chapters you can revisit and add in more detail in a different colour an you’ll be able to see how your visualiser has developed as the novel has progressed.

January 11, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Health & Wellbeing for Tuesday

When you heard that Scotland, indeed the whole of the U.K. was to enter another lockdown you may have felt a mixture of emotions, and that’s perfectly natural & understandable.

It’s especially important in ever changing times like these that we look after our emotional health and to take some time out. Over the next few weeks we’ll have a real focus on what we understand mindfulness to be.

Click on the link to see the start of our mindfulness work, there are two pages with areas for you to complete.

What is Mindfulness?

January 11, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Topic for Tuesday

As you know our interdisciplinary topic for this term will be all about The Victorians, with this in mind there are two tasks for you to complete today.

  1. The Victorians -this PowerPoint has a wealth of information to introduce you to the topic along with three questions that you are to answer with as much detail as you can. You can rely just on the detail here or carry out some research of your own before answering the questions.
  2. – this post will give you information on Charles Dickens, a name from the era that has been mentioned in our novel, Victorian Venture. Your task is to read all the detail then create an eye catching factfile/poster all about Mr Dickens.

January 11, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Please be patient.

Good afternoon P7. Just a little message to thank you for getting in touch today either through email or by posting to the comments here or to your own blog. I have been able to give replies to emails but if you have sent images or other attachments then as yet they’ve not opened, in case you were hoping for feedback on any work sent. This is more than likely down to the pressure that the server has been under today with so many more people all trying to access the internet. I’ll endeavour to go through them and get back to you. Mrs Gribben

January 10, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Welcome back 😃

Welcome back P7, for those of you we’ve not yet met, hopefully you had an enjoyable time with family over the holiday period? I’ve attached some informtion below relating to online learning and to a resource from North Lanarkshire Council.

Your task today, is to share this information with an adult at home, at a time that’s convenient.

online learning guidance note for parents

The Digital School resource has fantastic content designed for each age group and can be used as an extra learning resource while at home.

NL Virtual Classroom Child Guide (002)

NL Virtual Classroom Parent Carer Guide

In addition to the content from the Digital School, BBC Bitesize have a whole host of videos, quizzes & activities that are geared specifically for primary children. The link below will let you know what is on and when for the week ahead.



January 10, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Word of the Day…

Our usual routine first thing after prayers is for Mrs Baxter or I to take the register, we’re aiming to continue with this by using our ‘word of the day’.

Your task is to email me this morning with the word of the day.

Today’s word is haberdashery. One of my favourite words, I just like how it sounds as you say it. 😃 Perhaps when you email me, you can let me know one of your favourite words?    Mrs Gribben 😉

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