Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

January 13, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Art- Mosaic

Continuing with our work on shape I’d like you to make a mosaic using coloured shapes. If you don’t have coloured paper you can just colour your shapes in.

Here is a link to an art lesson that will help you create an original mosaic. I can’t wait to see them!


January 13, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday- Quiz of 2020

I know how much you love a quiz so I thought this would be a great way to end our Thursday.

It’s a quiz about the many things that happened in 2020. There are lots of rounds so just take your time . The answers are at the bottom of the quiz sheet so once you have finished correct your work and let me know your total score. Have fun and no cheating 😜



January 13, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Answers to Wednesday’s Problem Solving

Good afternoon P7, hope you’re all well? I thought I would post the answers to today’s problem solving as a few of you had cut off part of the image where your answers were in your emails to me. This way you can self-assess your work.

Can I say a BIG well done to everyone who has logged in to Sumdog so far this week. I’m going to give out some rewards.⭐

It’s been great being able to email back and forth with you all this week, you’ve made an impressive start to 2021! ⭐

January 12, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Literacy for Wednesday – Spelling

So thinking about the fifteen common words of this week, complete each of the activities below.

  1. Pick five to include in a creative paragraph. Any words that you are unsure of, check it’s definition first please.
  2. Select four to (p) pyramid spell. Review once complete, in case any letters are forgotten.
  3. Choose three to illustrate.
  4. If possible & at a convenient time, ask a family member to test your spelling of the words aloud.

January 12, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Literacy for Wednesday – Reading

  1. Before you read Chapter Two today, review the questions from slides 5 & 6 in the PowerPoint below, they have the heading Chapter 2.
  2. Read Chp.2 then answer the questions, checking that your answers are complete.


I’ve attached the novel below though it would be great if you were able to save this to your desktop or device?


January 12, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Maths for Wednesday


As is the norm for a Wednesday, the first activity will be problem solving with the second, a request to log in to Sumdog.

Top tip for the problem solving will be to read all the detail carefully, both the table of information & the questions.

Jobs in Victorian times


January 12, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Topic for Wednesday

As you will have discovered after reading the second chapter of the Victorian Venture, clothing in the Victorian era was rather different to what we are used to today.

  1. I’ve created a Making Thinking Visible routine for you all about the clothing of the Victorians. When you click on the link below, record detail under the three headings: See, Think and Wonder. Just focus on two different images, you can choose which two.

SEE THINK WONDER Victorian Clothing

  1. Below, the first attachment is a PowerPoint all about clothing, read through the detail. Next, review the photographs which you’ll find in the second attachment then you’ll be ready to complete the worksheet which is the third attachment.

Victorian Clothing 

Images of Victorian Clothing

Notes of Victorian Clothing

Be as detailed as you can.

January 12, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Science for Wednesday

As we’re thinking about the Victorian era this term, I thought it could be interesting to study individuals from the period who made an impact in the world of science & engineering.

With this in mind, there are two elements to the task today.

  1. The PowerPoint below has lots of information, today I’d like you just to focus on the first few slides, namely the detail all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Victorian Engineers, Scientists and Inventors PowerPoint

  1. The second task is to attempt to make a cardboard boat! The instructions are detailed in the link below. If you’re able to take photos of your vessels I’d love to see them, even better if you can take video footage of your boat sailing in the bathtub!

STEM – Cardboard Boat

Have fun 🙂


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