Ladywell Primary School P7b 2015-16

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 23, 2016
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3D Shape investigations

This week, we have been working on our knowledge of 3D shapes.  We were given art straws and Plasticine and had to make bundles containing a specific amount of each material.

We then had 5 shapes to make.  First, we had to decide  which bundle of materials would be needed for each shape.  For example we investigated that we needed 6 art straws and 4 balls of Plasticine to make a triangular based pyramid and 8 straws with 5 bits of Plasticine to make a square based pyramid.

Team work was crucial, as was planning which bundle of materials we would require to build each shape.  It made us question how many sides, faces and corners were in each shape.

We also wrote definitions of shape words like vertices, circumference and diagonals.


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June 17, 2016
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Our Week.

This week we have been busy practising for our Leavers Assembly.  It is going to be amazing and we are sure everyone who comes to see us at the Church on Wednesday the 29th June will be very impressed.

In maths we have been working on triangles, sizes of angles and have investigated Pi.  We used Pi confidently to calculate the circumference of a circle.

Monday 20th June is our end of year paaaaaaaarty!!!!!!! The theme is masquerade and we have all made masks in class which are nothing short of fabulous!  We are very very excited, Mrs Ashworth has asked us what treats and food we would like.  The dress code is smart/casual for along with our wonderful masks.  It begins at 7pm and we can arrive from 6.50pm.

We only have a few short days left at Ladywell – it is going too fast!

June 10, 2016
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Our Week.

This week has been another fun filled week for Primary 7.

On Monday, we participated in a Race for Life in Duchess Park.  This was to raise money for Cancer Research.  It was a beautifully sunny day so we were all prepared with sun cream and stayed well hydrated.

The pupils who will be attending Dalziel High School after summer spend Tuesday and Wednesday there for transition days.  We all loved our time there and can’t wait to start. Some of our favourite things were:

Sophie – ‘I enjoyed the science.’

Sam – ‘mmmm maths!’

Niamh – ‘At the two day visit I enjoyed the art.’

Kara – ‘My favourite things was……..  social studies.’

On Thursday afternoon, we were back at Dalziel for the Science Fair – the First years had projects to present and we saw some familiar faces.

On Friday we worked on adding content to our e-portfolios and in Maths we have been investigating the parts of a circle.  We worked in pairs to measure diameters and circumferences and investigated the link between them.  We used wool to help us measure the circumferences.


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June 6, 2016
by User deactivated

A very busy week!

Last week we had a very busy week, we participated in the Wear Yellow Walk to raise money for St. Andrew’s Hospice.  It was a brilliant day and we all enjoyed it.


On Thursday we had the opportunity to meet people who work in a range of careers and industries.  It was very interesting to hear what qualifications and experience they had to do the jobs that they do.


On Friday morning, Mr Monaghan visited us from Dalziel to judge our science experiments.  He was very impressed with our hard work and commented to Mrs White and Miss Conway how articulate we were when we delivered our findings.


Here are a few photographs of our teams.


IMG_1232 walking on custard creating craters IMG_1237 IMG_1238 waves in a bottle lava lamps experiementing with playdoh recipes IMG_1245 IMG_1246 Iron filings and goo! Making Plastic

May 26, 2016
by User deactivated

Our week!

This week we have used the data that we gathered from different classes and presented it in posters with tables, bar charts, pictograms and pie charts.  The pie charts required us to calculate percentages and this is very helpful for us to compare the results across classes of different sizes.  We enjoyed working in groups to decide our subjects and how we should represent our information.

We have been working very hard on our Dalziel Science Projects.  We will be completing them next Friday – watch this space for pictures!

In Expressive Arts, we used pastels, watercolours and paints to create beautiful butterflies.  Here is a selection.

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We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!




May 20, 2016
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Our learning experiences this week.

Millie and Sophie took part in the Pearl Izumi race.  During the day they went round the course and they both said it was really fun to take part in something so special in our area.  At night they loved having the opportunity to be mascots.  The rest of the school were watching from the crowd in the afternoon.  All the cyclists were amazing whizzing round the track.  Sarah said it was amazing to watch and take part in.

On Thursday morning, our football team went to a tournament at Daisy Park competing with Knowetop, St Bernadette’s and Cathedral.  The players all said they enjoyed the experience.

This week in maths we learned about coordinates.  One of the most important things to remember is that the value of the x axis is first and the value of the y axis comes after eg (x,y).

We learned how to draw a map of Devlish’s Castle in detail including trap doors and corridors.  We then made a plan for Kyle the Fisherman so he could get the eye of Lorning and escape from the castle

In P.E. we learned a new game called Danish Longball.  It is like a mixture of rounders and dodgeball, Mrs White loved that we were all running lots and improving our fitness.  We went home with red faces!


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May 19, 2016
by User deactivated

Data Handling

We have been using different materials to represent data from the book ‘If the World were a Village’.  We worked in pairs and selected the information we wanted to use.  Our options were, Countries or Continents the Villagers live in, Languages they speak, Religions followed and the availability of food.  We then transferred the data to pie charts and bar graphs.  The pictures below show our physical representations.  They made the numbers easy to compare at a glance.

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April 1, 2016
by User deactivated

Holiday Time!

Primary 7b have worked really hard throughout term 3 and I am sure they will enjoy a well deserved holiday.  We will return for a jam-packed term 4 on the 18th April.  Have a lovely time everyone whatever you do!

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