Ladywell Primary School P3 2015-16

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 21, 2016
by Miss McGhee

June – Baking!

Today P.3 made bread rolls. They were delicious!

Here is our recipe if you would like to try it.


  • 250g of strong white bread flour
  • 5g of salt
  • 7g of fast acting yeast
  • 5g of sugar
  • 150ml of water


  • A large bowl
  • kitchen scales
  • Sieve
  • A wooden spoon
  • An apron
  • A tablespoon
  • Grease proof paper
  • Trays



  1. First wash your hands with warm soapy water and preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. Next measure the flour and sift it into the bowl.
  3. Now add the salt, the yeast and the sugar.
  4. After that, make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients.
  5. Next add the water carefully and mix into a dough.
  6. Now put flour on the surface and your hands and empty the dough onto it.
  7. You now have to knead the dough for 10 minutes.
  8. Break into 4 pieces and make them round.
  9. Cover the dough with cling film and leave to prove for at least 30 minutes.
  10. Finally put your dough in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes. When it is golden brown and feels hollow when you pat the bottom, it is ready.

We enjoyed tasting our bread rolls. Have a look at our photographs below…

June 10, 2016
by Miss McGhee

June – This week’s ‘Celebrity Bloggers’

My favourite part of French day was dressing up in blue, white and red.” VA


“I really enjoyed learning how to make a flower collage.” LD


“My favourite part of French day was making the Eiffel Tower out of craft straws.” EG


“My favourite part of the French focus day was doing Maths in French!” MM


“My favourite part of the week was practising for sports day next week.” ED


“My favourite part of the week was doing lots of outdoor learning activities in the beautiful weather.” KB

June 10, 2016
by Miss McGhee

June – PE

Primary 3 have been practising potted sports and races for our upcoming sports day. Yesterday and today we took part in the heats for our running race on the day.

This month, our Health and Wellbeing target is:

I can work effectively as part of a team during sports day.

Our sports day will be held Tuesday or Wednesday next week, depending on the weather. Good luck to everyone involved!

June 10, 2016
by Miss McGhee

June – French Focus Day

We had lots of fun during our French Focus Day on Tuesday.

We did our register and lunches in French, sang French songs, completed French activities in class and created pictures of the Eiffel Tower.

Here are some pictures from the day:

June 10, 2016
by Miss McGhee

June – Literacy

This has been a very busy week for primary 3! Have a look at what we have been up to.


This week we have been revisiting some tricky primary 3 phonemes. We can spell:

  • ‘dge’ words like fudge, badge and badger;
  • ‘t’ words like future, creature and furniture;
  • ‘0’ words like some, come and mother.

Can you work out any of the jumbled phoneme words below?

a) dgeBri         c) tureNat       e) noS

We have also been focusing on non-fiction texts for our reading.  We read the book ‘Big Machines At Sea’ because it had links to our IDL topic, The Clyde and the Isles.

We developed our skills in working together to:

  • assess our reading accuracy, fluency and expression;
  • take notes about different sea vessels and created a fact-file using them; and
  • answer literal and inferential questions using the information in our book as clues.

June 10, 2016
by Miss McGhee

June – Maths


For Maths we rounded off our block on ‘Time’ as we can now read and show o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times on both analogue and digital clocks. We also challenged ourselves with some time problems.

Can you answer the questions below to show someone what you have learned?

What time is it?


a)                                                    b)

5 4

c)                                                      d)

2      3


e) 2:00                f) 3:45              g) 4:15               h) 9: 45

i) If you leave your house at 4 o’clock and return 3 hours later, what time will it be when you arrive home?


We also started measure this week and have been learning how to accurately measure the length in cm, using a ruler. Next week we will be learning about weight and capacity.

Great effort everyone!

May 26, 2016
by Miss McGhee

May – Dress Down Day

Today we all brought in £1 for a Dress Down Day. The Pupil Council will use the money to buy some new playground equipment.  This afternoon we got the chance to play with our own toys as a reward.

Celebrity Bloggers

“It took me a long time to make Minecraft Steve.” LG

“I think my Minecraft Steve is very cool.” GH


” I enjoyed making our super, ginormous train station.” JG

” It took us a long time to make the train station but it turned out really good!” MM


” I enjoyed playing Catchphrase with my friends.” SB

May 24, 2016
by Miss McGhee
1 Comment

May – Active Spelling

Today we took our Literacy outside and did some ‘spellercise’ with our common words in the outdoor classroom.  We then wrote our words and sentences with a partner on the ground with chalk. Here are some pictures of our work.



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