14TH June : The Bumblebee room, Rainbow room, Rosebuds, bluebells and Busy lizzies will be heading off to Almond Valley Farm Park for their fantastic summer trip.
15th June : Its the Daffodils, Sunflowers and Buttercups turn to go to Almond Valley
16th June : Today its the Snowdrops, Poppies and sweetpeas turn to go.
The bus will be leaving at 9.15am prompt and returning at approx. 2.45pm
Remember to take a yummy packed lunch with you or if you want there is facilities for purchasing food within the park. we ask that your child is accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 16 for the duration of the trip.
The cost will be £10.00 per adult.
The childrens’ transport & entrance fee will be met through monies fundraised.