My time at Kilbowie

Hi it’s me Kira, Kilbowie has been a blast but I still miss my family. Yesterday was so much fun but I did have some trouble with some things such as the walking, we had to walk up all these mountains and climb up some waterfalls but at least we had a sit down. We all got a picture on the top of a hill but when we tried to take a selfie, it kinda sorta failed we all almost fell off the hill we were on! Well we revived fast and kept on walking. After we had done the walking we then done some safari, we looked at some plants and what they do to the world, afterwards we looked at some of our instructor Derek’s traps, he only caught one thing, lastly we looked at some dead animals but luckily Kilbowie dont kill them they only find them. Well thats me done my blog so bye!

my time at kilbowie

Kilbowie has been great so far and I have done skiing,canoeing,gorge walking and loads more.Today is our disco and I cant wait for it.We done the night line last nght and you had to be blindfolded and hold onto eachothers shoulders and walk through a forest in the dark we all got hosed down because we were muddy and wet.It is sad that we have to go but i cant wait to get back to wifi and nutella.


Erin S

my expeirince at kilbowie

hi mum its molly i miss you so much we did the night line last night it was fun Mrs bryson Mrs grant scared us at the end then mrs kearney hosed us down then soked us in the face. but i am all clean now. love u and miss u mum love molly xxxxxxx.


Hi its me Emma, kilbowie was really fun except from when I wasnt feeling well and I couldnt do the skiing or rock climbing but I got to go gorge walking and canoeing and today my group is going to do safari and orienteering.I cant wait to go home [to get my tv back].Its been really fun and I cant wait to go back home tomorrow and see my family.

Kilbowie Blog

I have been having a great week but I still remember you.When I get back you will have to clean my dirty clothes.I did gorge walking and it was so cold my feet were sore but not as cold as Madison’s feet because she lost her wellies in the river.I have been missing you but still having a great time can’t wait to see you on Friday. By Sophie-mia.

my time at kilbowie

When I got to kilbowie I found out that I was sharing a room with Hannah,Rhian and Hollie.On Tuseday I went gorge walking and sking I really loved sking.On Wednesday I went rock climbing and I done navagation.Today we are going to find animals and going on a hill walk.Them meals are great you never stop eating.Last night I done the nidht line and i got all muddy so mrs kearney soked us with a hose even our hair!!!I have loved my time at kilbowie see you on friday

Sarah McCord

kilbowie is great

I have loved being at kilbowie it is great fun and the ativities are better than i expected. My favourite activities were gorge walking and sking i also liked rock climbing. I’m very happy that i am sharing a room with my friends Becky,Claire and Rachel. I’m really liking kilbowie but i can’t wait to come home and see my mum.

Sophie Henderson xx

kilbowie diary

Hi my name is Rhian Fraser and I am writing about my time at Kilbowie. I am sharing a room with Hannah Sarah & Hollie, we have done many activites in Group 9, my favriotes were rock climbing & gorge walking (I wasnt actualy walking on a person called gorge). P.S   The flapjacks are awsome here !.


by Rhian Fraser.

My Time At Kilbowie

My time ata kilbowie was a blast i cant wate to came home love you mum cant ate to see you love you will all my hart i am having a fab time and i hope u are to with me now being there love you mum,Alan,Davidand wee Chloe .

love from stephanie xxx    ……………..P.S got loooooooots of durty washing for you hahahahaha see you soon xxx

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