We’re coming home!

The disco was epic!  The children had a blast but we are all ready to come home tomorrow and see everyone.  Thanks for all the supportive messages, we’ve enjoyed them and the children’s reactions to them.  Get those washing machines ready!

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18 thoughts on “We’re coming home!”

  1. Thanks to all the staff who went with the kids. They will never forget the experience well done. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Chloe mum

  2. Fantastic pictures glad you all enjoyed the disco and have had a fantastic week by the sounds of it. Great to have been able to send messages and read messages as well as see all your pics.

    So looking forward to hearing you are all home, can’t wait to see you lucy love mum,dad,Kyle and Molly xxxx

  3. Looking forward to you coming home Corey we have all missed you. Looking forward to hearing all about your Kilbowie adventure. love from Mum Dad Josh & Rosie xx

  4. Hey Karrie hope you have had a ball but so glad your coming home minus the washing only joking . Cant wait till I get a big hug love you lots mum dad & the gang . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Glad yous have all had a great werk. Pics gave been fab. Kids look like they have had lots of fun!
    Cant wait to get my boy back….see you tomorrow Kian
    Love u millions xxxx

  6. What a lovely looking Bunch!! 🙂
    Glad you all enjoyed your Disco tonight

    I bet it will mixed emotions tomorrow:-
    Sad saying goodbye to all the staff @ Kilbowie who have given our all kids such a Great and very memorable experience -PLEASE SHARE OUR THANKS TO THEM ALL xxx

    I’m sure there will also be Much excitement to get home and see all of us Blog Stalkers ha AKA Mums and Dads

    Have a Very Safe journey home and Really REALLY cannot wait to see You Jack Gaughan – Mum and Dad are gonna treat you to a welcome home dinner of YOUR Choice
    Darling sleep well – Looking forward to Big Hugs and Kisses and Lot & Lots of Stories of you week away.

    We will all be there waiting on you when your bus drives in xxx

  7. Happy faces. Thanks to all the staff you’re all legends. Glad everyone had a fantastic time lots of fun and happy memories. Safe journey home. Love you Daz see you soon. Xxx

  8. Just like to say a big THANK YOU to the staff for taking good care of our kids. We trusted you with them knowing you would look after & care for them as we would, you went way beyond a ‘teachers job’ making sure all kids were happy & well looked after. Hope you all had as much fun as the kids did, and yous would have missed your family’s just as much as we missed our kids, so once again Thank you x x

  9. Great pictures looks like you’ve had a brilliant time. Thank you to all the teachers that made this trip happen our kids will have the memories for a life time, also thank you to all the staff at Kilbowie that helped look after our kids. Looking forward to seeing you later Kira xxxx

    Safe journey home and don’t forget anything xx

  10. Myself and alan would like to thank all the staff at kilbowie for looking after all the little treasures and also to the staff frm the school who have made their experience possible…xxx

  11. Bought in all you’re favourites Emma can’t wait to see you, have a wee surprise too xx see you later xx not sure if this message is too late but thank you to all the staff too for making this a great trip Emma will remember for a long time. Thank you.

  12. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for looking after Rachael all week and bringing her home safely – she has had a wonderful time and we are happy to have her home. Thanks 😀 You are all *\o/**\o/**\o/* SUPERSTARS *\o/**\o/**\o/*

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