My time at Kilbowie

Hi it’s me sophie T. Kilbowie has been so exciting with all of the activities and challenges, But I still miss my family. Today we are doing navigation, safari and then its the Thursday night disco. We got here on Monday and then got we all got put into our groups and rooms. I was in a room with Kira and karrie. On Tuesday we went gorge walking and walking up a hill and the gorge walking was FREEZING! Luckelly when we got to the top of the hill we got flapjacks but i didnt really like them, we also took a selfie.But i have to go now so i’m finishing my blog, bye

6 thoughts on “My time at Kilbowie”

  1. Hi to all the kids at kilbowie, I hope u have a great time at the disco tonight and look forward to seeing u all return home

  2. Great pictures,hope yous are enjoying your disco and your last night at Kilbowie,your dad and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow molly love you.xxxx

  3. hi everyone ,been following your adventure .have a great time at your disco. hollie don’t worry about dirty muddy clothes will show you how to clean journey home.we have missed you loads. gran granddad kierenxx

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