Stay and Play Success
Thanks to all of you who participated in our first Stay and Play session – Build It. It was a great success and we know the children loved working and learning with you throughout the day.Our next Stay and Play session will be on Friday 28th April. We are keeping the theme and activities a surprise until nearer the time but wanted to give you the date as far in advance as possible.
Easter Celebrations
We will be having an Easter celebration and egg hunt with the children on Thursday 30th March. You are invited to design and make an Easter bonnet with your child at home and it can be worn by your child to nursery on this day. We will organise an Easter bonnet parade to recognise and showcase the children’s efforts. Please remember that nursery closes for the Easter holidays on Friday 31st March and doesn’t reopen until Tuesday 18th April. Hope you all have a lovely break!
Children Starting School In August
We have arranged for Instant Images to come in and take photographs of the children dressed in graduation caps and gowns on Tuesday 23rd May. ALL graduating children will be photographed and it will be up to you whether you decide to purchase. We DO NOT use the gowns and caps during our graduation ceremony so this will be the only opportunity for you to get this style of picture. Our graduation ceremony for ALL children leaving nursery for school is provisionally pencilled in the diary for the morning of *Monday 26th June and specific times and details will be provided nearer the time. * We will endeavour to stick to this date but please be aware that it could change to reflect the needs of the school. *
Planning and Learning Context
Our learning context and story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes will remain our focus in the nursery up until the Easter break. When we return in April the book we will be introducing to the children is Titch by Pat Hutchins. We’ll be using it explore measure and look at growth and change. If possible we’d like to have photos of the children as babies and as toddlers so if you’re happy to provide us with these, your child’s keyworker will collect them from you during the first week back after the Easter break. Keep an eye out on our planning wall changing and remember the coloured pens are attached to the display to allow you to record any activity or resource suggestions you have.