Achievements- 12th of October 2016

During assembly some of the boys and girls received some certificates from Mrs Greer for their achievements in nursery.

Emily Rose Govan- For following our golden rules in nursery and always using her listening ears.

Rachael Debenham- For fantastic behaviour in nursery.

Amy Clews- For working hard during literacy experiences.

We are all very proud of you!




Halloween Party

Our Halloween party will take place on Monday the 31st of October. The nursery session times are as normal. We look forward to seeing all your Halloween costumes and having a fun filled party with games, songs, and some trick or treats too.


Outdoor Developments

We are going to be developing our outdoor area in nursery. This is going to be huge project to enhance the learning environment for all the children. As a nursery we are eager to find out what your thoughts, feelings and ideas are towards improving the area. Some of the ideas the children have come up with are; mud kitchen, water play and cars/trucks outside. If you have items that you feel would be of benefit and willing to donate it, it would be greatly appreciated it. Eg. Utensils for our kitchen/trucks/old pots and pans, plastic pipes etc.

If you have any skills that you feel may be of benefit or questions please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Fox for further information. Eg. Joiners, painters, labourers.

Thank you for your continued support.

Achievements- 5th of October 2016

During assembly some of the boys and girls received some certificates from Mrs Greer for their achievements in nursery.

Caleb Thompson- For excellent work in maths involving counting and early fractions.

Karlie Wilson- For fantastic behaviour in nursery and always using her listening ears.

Shaun McGlynn- For excellent work recognising and ordering numbers on the nursery washing line.

Romana Ramzan- Fantastic recognition of numbers 1-10.

We are all very proud of you, Well Done!



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Growing Together Learning Forever

Growing Together Learning Forever – Bath Time

For any of you that might be interested you can buy sets of foam letters and numbers that stick to the side of your bath and would be a valuable addition to any bath time routine.

These could be used in several ways to promote literacy and numeracy development at home.

Recently available in ALDI at a cost of £2.99 the above pictured set or similar can also be purchased in ASDA, Tesco and Amazon – prices will vary!bath-time

Ball Games

In Nursery we have been enjoying playing with the balls in the outdoor area. We got an exciting delivery of 50 balls and all the boys and girls had to opportunity to fill the ball with air. We have been learning in order for the ball to fill with air we have to use our muscles to push and pull the pump. We had great fun playing outside with the balls playing a variety of different games.

Callum- I like playing dodgeball with the balls, somebody has to kick it to catch people. I was catching people then it was someone else’s turn.

Liam- Throw the ball into the net, it made me feel good. We made a line to get turns.

Zoe- Bouncing the balls, it was easy.

Logan- Kick the balls, play football and score a big goal.

Carsen- I liked playing basketball with balls. You have to use your hand to practise.

Isla- I liked throwing the balls high, I used my hands to hold the ball aswell.


Learning Journals

We hope you are enjoying being able to access your child’s learning journal and we have loved reading and hearing about how it is helping to extend your children’s learning at home. Please continue to comment on the observations and continue discussions with your children about their learning as we are LOVING hearing about the quality learning conversations that are going on at home!

Can I remind any parents who can not access their child’s learning journal to check their junk/spam folder in their emails to ensure the login details are not in there.

If you are still having trouble please speak to any of the nursery staff who will be able to help you.