Macmillian Coffee Morning

Macmillan cancer support is one of the UK’s biggest charities and provides specialist health care, information and emotional and financial support to people affected by cancer. Macmillan have a free phoneline, online community, and many other resources for those affected with cancer.

Fundraising is crucial to an organisation like Macmillan. On the 26th of September 2019 the s6 year fundraising committee hosted 2 coffee mornings, one for staff at break and one for S6 at lunch.

Staff and students brought in home baked and bought cakes, biscuits, and even tablet for the event. For £3 staff were able to go into the coffee morning at break and feast on the treats brought in with coffee and tea to match.

S6 years got their turn at lunch. For £1 they came in, got a sticker, and had their coffee morning in the hall. Everyone was able to help themselves to cakes, tablet, and biscuits. Many didn’t expect to spend their whole lunch there but soon nearly the whole of S6 year was in the assembly hall.

What started as a coffee morning with some music in the background soon turned into an impromptu S6 year lunch party. With music playing a couple S6 years danced as they walked leading a few to begin dancing at the back of the assembly hall. By the end nearly everyone was up dancing. Miss O’Neil and Mrs Devlin soon joined in. Miss Conley even showed up just in time to be sung happy birthday. The S6 year coffee morning finished with a raffle with 3 students walking away with a prize.

Nearly £600 was raised for Macmillan and it was enjoyed by everyone. S6 year student Samantha Reynolds said “It was a great day for a great cause and seemed like everyone had a brilliant time at the coffee morning and we raised a lot of money for Macmillan as well as hosted a raffle “

St. Andrew’s 6K 2019

St.Andrew’s is a charity close to our schools heart.  Having raised almost £82,000 we are desperate to make it to the triple figures by doing all we can for the charity this year and beat our biggest competitors, Caldervale high school.

Not including the money raised from our senior pupils Ben Nevis climb this year. Our School also has a huge turnout for the 6k fun run and the Santa dash.

St. Andrew’s is a charity who cares for those living with life limiting illnesses and also their families through either one of their hospices or home visits.  The charity is  supported through NHS Lanarkshire but that only covers a small fraction of the cost of running the charities services. That’s why they need our help!

the Charity requires £88,000 a week to run. If everyone in NHS Lanarkshire donated two pence a day we would be able to cover the costs of St.Andrew’s services for a whole year! A little goes a long way and the school is really proud of all the fundraising we have taken part in over the year.

We had an outstanding number of pupils,teachers and even dogs attending the 6K last year and we hope to increase that number yet again this year so bring if you want bring your gran’s dog, your dog, your neighbour’s dog and run, walk or skip round the park!


Head of Education Visit

Recently, St Aidan’s was visited by Derek Brown, the head of education and families. He was greeted by captain Rebecca Smith and vice captain Gabriel McClymont, they then discussed the mission statement of the school.

Mr Brown commented that this has been a long awaited visit. He was here to meet the pupils and teachers of the school after hearing such positive comments from the recent HMI inspection.

He commented on the importance of listening to students. Speaking about the recent S6 Leaders Conference, he stated “The students gave us a few things to think about that we thought were important such as mental health and well being and around individual rights and not being judged, how we can strengthen that and protect people to help everyone be treated with respect”.

Top five songs you should listen to

i’m a massive fan of music, i grew up listening to all different kinds of music that really shaped my style today. so here’s a list of the ones i never skip 🙂

no. 1) stockholm syndrome by muse.

i actually grew up listening to muse and still love them.

no. 2) barbarism begins at home (2011 remaster)  by the smiths

no. 3) this ones a tie. SMF and GENOCIDE by nascar aloe

no. 4) all mine by kanye west

and finally

no. 5) boy division by my chemical romance


hope you enjoy these songs. there’s a few different  things there so i hope on tickles your fancy 🙂 thanks for reading, have a nice day !!

Charity Football Match

A charity football math was hosted by RE class S5 D and their teacher, Mr Bradley. Mr Bradley commented, “The match was the pupil’s idea, not mine, they instigated it. Most of the organisation was down to them and I just made sure that staff knew what was happening.”

The project is part of the S5 RE course. Classes try to raise cash in an enterprising way to support a good cause. The footballers raised over 100 pounds for the Talbot Centre which supports homeless men and women of Glasgow. Sean McKeever and Kieran McMahon, both S5, were enthusiastic participants in the match and in their post-match analysis Sean said, ‘I think the game went very well and I think that we raised a lot of money for charity’.

Lots of staff and students turned up to support the match, which was played in such a friendly manner that nobody knows what the final score was!

Alex Scarrow Authors Visit


Alex Scarrow, known for his series Time Riders and Remade, came to St Aidan’s high school to visit first year pupils and talk about his books. He started as a graphic designer for video games.

Over a year he pitched over 30 games to his bosses and not one of them got made. It got to the point he felt like he was literally wasting his time designing these games. His direct manager told him to make games shooting games because kids only wanted something they could shoot. Alex felt that his direct manager was insulting kids and downgrading they’re abilities.  He thought he could do so much more but his bosses told him they’d make so much more money with first person shooters. Alex quit that day.

This prompted him to start writing his books. Alex started writing adult books but thought it was too boring to write for. He began to write for the younger generations because “you guys are more open minded than adults are. Adults get annoyed when you break rules. You guys don’t mind (when I break rules) which makes it more fun to me)”

Time Riders was based on one of these games he had pitched. Time riders is about an agency made up of three kids who cheated death and now travel through time to fix history broken by time travel. The first time rider’s book came out on 4th February 2010 and the series spans 9 books.

Alex visits schools, talking to 11-12 year olds specifically, about his books. Throughout the year he visits schools and libraries, giving talks and running writing workshops.



Pride Prom 2019

this is nothing to do with within the school but i would like to talk about this amazing LGBTQ+ event i went to at the weekend.

i attend an LGBTQ+ group in Motherwell and this year we were given the opportunity to attend a pride prom at the Radisson Blu hotel in Glasgow.

the same hotel hosted a prom like this last year but it was a lot smaller than this year. a lot of LGBT groups from around north Lanarkshire came to this prom along with LGBT youth who don’t attend a group. with the budget they had this year a lot more tickets where made so that’s probably it was so big.

being able to go to such a wonderful event like this was honestly such a experience, the air was so calm as people talked to one another and made new friends. everyone was dressed in suits and elegant gowns, everyone honestly looked like fresh off the red carpet. everyone enjoyed the acts, there was so much singing, dancing and excitement on the dance floor and it was clear everyone was having a good time.

being able to relax and just enjoy myself for a few hours was so wonderful and i would 100% do it again if i had the opportunity, and i’m sure a lot more people would feel the same as i do.

events like this are so important to people like me, especially the group i attend, if it wasn’t for that group  i attend i honestly have no idea where i would be. they really let me feel comfortable with who i am and my identity and i cannot thank them enough.

such a wonderful night, i hope a lot of you can get the same opportunity i did and go to an event like this because it was just such a magical experience.

thank you for reading !!

First Years Transition From Primary to Secondary School

The beginning of the school year in August welcomes many new faces of S1 students at St Aidan’s. Over the past few weeks, the pupils have been settling into their new classes, meeting their teachers, and getting to know each other. However, transitions can be hard for people especially children going into a new environment.

We asked a group of first-year students their perspective on how their transition from primary to secondary school has been. Here are some of their thoughts.


Bethany Chalmers thinks that one of the best things about first year so far is that “you’re allowed to finish earlier at 2:55 on some days” Some first years found it difficult with the longer hours but are adjusting to having to be quicker to get home so they get to their training on time.

When Lucy Smith was also asked what the best thing about first year was so far, she answered, “The subjects. PE is my favourite subject and I like the trampolining,” Johnny Pell agreed and added that, “I liked it at primary but its better here,”

Sophie Marshall commented that one of the best things about first year is that “you’re allowed to use your phone, in primary school, you weren’t allowed to use them at all, you can also text your friends if you’re lost”.

Getting lost can be easy in a big school especially one you’re not used to. However, the peer advocate class, a group of 6th-year pupils, have been helping. When asked how they helped the first years said “The school gave us 6th years to take us around our classes. We got to know the basics of getting around the school. It took the pressure off them for being late” High school can be a scary place especially when you don’t know where you’re going. All the first years agreed it helped them and put them at ease.

Teigan O’Donnell mentioned that a big change from primary to secondary school is “being split from your friends in some classes” However as Ciaran McGuire said one of the best things about first year is “getting to meet new people,” One of the ways they are able to do this is through clubs and activities in school.

St Aidan’s does its best to offer a wide range of activities and clubs. It can help pupils meet new people and give them somewhere to go. The school library is also a popular choice for the first years. Ciaran McGuire said “I like coming to the library and just relaxing. I like the computers and the couches,” When asked about the activities Johnny Pell said “I go to the basketball. I like the PE clubs.”

The group of six stated that teachers such as Mr. McCrory, Miss Mohammed, Mrs. Large, and Mr. Wedlock have been helpful. The first years are also able to ask their peer advocates assigned to their classes any questions they have.

The six of them also expressed their excitement to make their way further up the school to get study periods, going on study leave, and going out of the school for lunch. They also look forward to taking part in more practical subjects such as hairdressing and currently are “looking forward to finishing our hangers in tech”.  Science is also a favourite due to the experiments which allows them to learn hands-on and understand things better.

Mrs Fagan, the head of S1 commented she’s “looking forward to finding out all about them, when children first come into first year they don’t know what they’re good at, so we encourage them to go to extracurricular clubs such as sports, art, music or drama because it helps them find out what they’re good at which boosts their confidence and self-esteem and it makes them a much stronger individual”

St Aidan’s does its best to make the transition as smooth as possible for new first years. The most important thing is that they settle in so they can enjoy high school. We asked if they thought they were finally settled in and they said “Yes. It’s basically primary school but harder. It isn’t a massive change,” As a school, we are glad they’re settling in and look forward to the first years beginning their journey through secondary school and wish them all the best of luck.


Daphne’s Top Five Tunes August 2019

I can’t really describe my music taste,so I’ll leave it for you to decide. These are my top five tunes of August  2019.

  1. TIME BY LUCKY FRUIT – a small artist I discovered over Instagram, really chill and amazing vocals.  [ I would add a picture but it wont let me :-[  ]

2. SOFTLY BY CLAIRO- I’ve been listening to Clairo’s new album a lot recently because I’m going to see her live in November but this song is so chill and  has such  lovely vocals that I couldn’t help but share it.

3. CAVORTING BY COURTEENERS- I’m a bit late to the bandwagon with this one but It’s just such a good song to bop away to.

4.DO I MAKE YOU FEEL SHY? BY CONNAN MOCKASIN- I love everything about Connan’s songs but they do take a rather particular taste so give any of his albums a listen and see how you feel. (He’s brilliant live as well)

5. BELLARINE BY ROLLING BLACKOUTS COASTAL FEVER- these up and coming Australians have a brilliant first album and I’m so excited to see what else they have up their sleeves. Another feel good tune you can easily sing along to, I’d say.




Extraordinary Exam Results 2019!

As the new school year begins and we welcome old and new pupils back after a long summer break,  St.Aidan’s takes a look back at the wide variety of SQA achievements from last terms exam season. The school is extremely proud of all students who gained qualifications in a range of academic and vocational subjects including Construction, Make up artistry, Hairdressing etc. From National 3 through to Advanced Higher.

Some students in National five and Higher attained top grades in all their subjects, Which is an amazing achievement!

Pictured are the three students who achieved 5 Higher A’s. Kate Hughes, Emily Lebida and Claudia Kawik

Also Pictured are the 5 Students who Achieved 7 A’s in their first exams last term! Aaron Patterson, Ella McKendrick, Caitlin O’Neill, Megan Buggy and Diarmuid Starrs.

We as a school look forward to a new year of success stories inside and outside of the school environment!

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