Michael Byrne #LETsTALK

“It’s okay to have a bad day. The trick is to not let a bad day turn into a bad week.”

On the 26th of November St. Aidan’s was visited by Michael Byrne a speaker on trauma and mental health. Megamind invited Michael to talk to raise awareness about mindfulness for the launch of their colouring and activity book unplugged. Michael started the #LETsTALK after founding Lived Experience Trauma Support (LETs) to help others who went through trauma like him.
He spoke to the 5th and 6th year pupils about his own story and the importance of talking. He said “It’s okay to have a bad day. The trick is to not let a bad day turn into a bad week.” He encouraged us to talk about our mental health especially now as the senior pupils are the ones who can change the stigma.
Pupils were interested in the talk and glad to see mental health being talked about. Sarah Mecredy, a S6 student said “The talk with Michael really opened my eyes and made me see a bigger picture. I thought it benefited the fifth and sixth years as this is a tough time for us and to see someone who has struggled immensely but eventually found happiness and peace was very inspiring”

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