On the 27th of November, St Aidan’s High School’s very own Modern Studies Department organised a trip to the capital, Edinburgh, to visit the Scottish Parliament.
Pupils got the chance sit down and follow the passage of a law, voting on and amending a Bill for Increasing voter turnout. Modern Studies Teacher who was on the trip Miss Young said “The visit to the parliament was a tremendous success, students had the opportunity to learn lots and Clare Adamson’s question and answer was well received by all”
After a tour that included the debating chamber, the students got the opportunity to Meet their MSP Clare Adamson. Quizzing her about her role as a MSP, her relationship with her constituents and even her views on Brexit.
After a not only enjoyable but thoroughly educational tour of the parliament, the students visited Edinburgh Dungeons, Spooked by Witches galore the students went from Burke and Hare, to the angry ghost of William Wallace.
By Wiktoria Orlicka and Joseph Cruickshank
Thanks for this Wiktoria and Joseph. Good work in getting the quote from Miss Young!