What a busy week we have just had! Our week began with a very successful Day of Dance on Monday; our pupils performed very well and all of our visitors enjoyed it very much. Many thanks to our fabulous ladies who assisted with tea during the day, we couldn’t do it without them!
Practices for our Nativity and Carol Concert were in full swing and the children are doing very well. Please look in your child’s bag for a letter with details of tickets (issued on Friday). Due to our limited hall capacity, we have allocated (in the first instance) two tickets per child to one of the day time performances and one ticket per child to the evening performance. Any unsold tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis on Friday.
Our children enjoyed an assembly by the SSPCA on Thursday, and as always, our visitors commented on our fabulous children.
Our Primary 6 children learned last week that they had won the Edina Trust Bulb Project photograph competition – very well done, Primary 6 and Mrs Taggart!
We also learned very late on on Friday that our choir have been asked to sing at the Regent Shopping Centre on Friday 4th December from 11.30am until 12pm! This is because we are one of the ten finalists for the competition. Permission slips will be issued for this on Monday and we will also be looking to change the date of our first Friday Mass. Mrs Shearer will liaise with Father McGachey on Monday and organise an alternative date, and information regarding this will be issued as soon as possible.
For our week ahead, the Continuity Programme for Taylor High and Primary 7 continues on Tuesday. Taylor High Caritas pupils will visit us at assembly on Thursday regarding Mary’s Meals. There will be lots of last minute practices and preparation for our Carol Concert and Infant Nativity. Our Nursery will perform their Nativity on Thursday morning and afternoon and it looks set to be fabulous!
On Friday, our choir will be performing at the Regent Shopping Centre in Hamilton from 11.30am until 12pm.
Finally, here is a reminder of all the important dates you need for our very busy December:
Thursday 3rd December Nursery Nativity Performances
Friday 4th December Choir performing at the Regent’s Shopping Centre
Monday 7th December Carol Concert @ 1.45pm
Tuesday 8th December Infant Nativity @ 1.45pm
Tuesday 8th December Infant Nativity @ 6.45pm
Tuesday 8th December Carol Concert @ 8.15pm
Wednesday 9th December Carol Concert @ 11am
Thursday 10th December Whole school trip to the Panto (late return to school)
Tuesday 15th December Christmas Lunch
Wednesday 16th December P7 Party
Thursday 17th December P5 and P6 Party
Friday 18th December P3 and P4 Party
Monday 21st December P1 and P2 Party
Tuesday 22nd December Nursery Party
Wednesday 23rd December School closes at 2.30pm for Christmas Holidays