This week in school we have had the flu vaccination programme and the fluoride varnishing programme. Our after school clubs continue to be very popular and well attended. Please note – the arts and crafts club on Tuesday and cross country club on Wednesday are cancelled for this week only.
On Friday we had our ‘Day of Dance’. The children had a fantastic time and danced magnificently. This event was very well attended by parents and grandparents – it was great to see so many of you supporting and being involved in the life of our school. There are pictures of this event on our Twitter account which you can see at – @OLSF Primary School.
Our nativity practices are coming along and every family has now had the opportunity to buy 4 tickets for either the 11th or 12th of December. Any unallocated tickets will be sold from tomorrow (Monday 1st December) on a first come, first served basis.
This week ahead, we have a Parent Council meeting on Monday evening at 7pm and a Taylor High School information evening for Primary 7 parents on Tuesday evening at 7pm – both meetings are held in school. We also have a formal North Lanarkshire Council ‘School Improvement Visit’ on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The Inspecting team will visit every class including the Nursery and will take the opportunity to speak with pupils and representatives of our Parent Council to gain their views on our school. I have no doubt that they will commend our children on their lovely manners and behaviour.
We are also being joined by two Caritas pupils from Taylor High School on Monday morning who will be making an appeal for tins and packets for our local food bank – more details to follow.
Our First Friday Mass will not take place on Friday 5th December as planned – instead it has been rearranged for Monday 8th December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is a feast day for our school. The coffee morning will take place after this mass in the school hall. We will be looking for donations of home baking again for this event which will be led by our Primary 6s this time.
With our Primary 7 pupils going to Kilbowie very soon, we have made a separate ‘Kilbowie Blog’ so that parents can see just how much fun their children are having whilst up in Oban in December.
As always, we welcome your views and comments; please feel free to leave comments on this blog or any aspect of our school using the ‘Comments’ facility on this page.