Our week ended with a beautiful Enrolment Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church. Our children, as always, did us proud. Several parishioners commented on their beautiful singing and how well they conducted themselves throughout Mass. Many thanks to Deacon Jim and Father Ambrose for celebrating Mass for us, and Liam Lees for playing the organ.
The coffee morning which followed Mass was our busiest yet and we raised a massive £485!! A huge thank you must go to all who attended, supported or donated in any way. A special thank you must go to our fabulous ladies in our Parent Council who give up their time every month to set up and clear up after these events. We couldn’t do it without them and their help is greatly appreciated. P5 also did very well assisting at our coffee morning – well done, boys and girls.
Our PJ/Onesie day on Thursday was a great success and it was great that everyone entered into the spirit of the day – we even had slippers and teddies at school! All of these Lenten events are a bit of fun for the children, but more importantly, they are to raise money for our nominated Lenten charities. Please remember to send in your £1 donations with your child on fundraiser days.
Rehearsals for our upcoming Glasgow Music Festival (Monday 16th March) are really hotting up now. Mrs Ewart worked with our choir on Thursday and will be working with them again on Monday. We are having a choir rehearsal after school on Monday and, with only a week to go to the Festival, it’s really important that as many people as possible attend.
Our week ahead: Monday we have the Legion of Mary working with P7. They will be taking them across to the Grotto for stations of the cross and will work with other classes in upcoming weeks.
We have a Confirmation Information Evening on Tuesday evening at 7pm in St. Francis Xavier Hall for our P6 and P7 parents.
Our Primary Reading Quiz takes place on Thursday and Mrs Crooks will accompany our children to this event. The children have been working and studying very hard for this event and we wish them well.
On Friday, it’s our back to front day – children can wear their own clothes for the day, but must try to wear them back to front!
As always, if you have any comments our suggestions for our blog, please use the ‘Comments’ facility below.