Children were encouraged to walk to school at assembly last Wednesday and were made aware of the badges they can earn by walking, cycling or ‘scooting’ to school. Taylor High staff visited our P7 pupils last week and pupils were given the opportunity to speak individually to staff about going to High School. Children learned lots about Rights Respecting Schools on Friday during our awareness day.
Looking to our week ahead, we have a Parent Council on Monday at 6 pm in our staff room; as always all are welcome. Our infant staff will be starting their visits to local nurseries to meet with our new starts in advance of our Induction Days this month.
On Thursday, the Motherwell Times will be in to take photographs of our Primary 7 pupils; full school uniforms for this please.
On Friday, it is our First Friday Mass and coffee morning, led by our P4/5 pupils. As always, we are looking for donations of shop bought cakes and biscuits and raffle prizes. We hope you can join us at this.