Last week began with an inservice day for all staff. Staff benefited from input from North Lanarkshire’s Attainment Adviser and a Growth Mindset speak at Cathedral Primary School.
Our continuity programme continued on Tuesday at Taylor High School and P7 pupils continue to enjoy the experience.
Mrs Ewart worked with all of our upper school pupils on Thursday afternoon, helping prepare them for our upcoming Carol Concert – more details to follow very soon!
On Friday, Mrs Ayton was successful at interview for the post of Acting Principal Teacher within Our Lady & St. Francis and we are delighted to have her join our Senior Management Team.
We are having our Day of Dance on Monday, but this year it’s with a twist! Traditionally it always had a distinctly Scottish flavour, but this year children have been learning dances from France and Spain too. It promises to be quite a morning and we are looking forward to welcoming you into the school to show off our children’s hard work. Children should wear clothes or colours from either Scotland, France or Spain, but no football strips please.
The RSPCA will be visiting the school on Thursday morning to remind us all that ‘a dog is for life, not just for Christmas.’
The flu vaccination will take place for all pupils who have returned consent from P1 to P7.