Our First Friday Mass was beautiful and Father McGachey told the children all about Guardian Angels (on the Feast of the Guardian Angels). This was reinforced back in school during our whole school assembly where children learned more about guardian angels and learned the Guardian Angel prayer.
Our coffee morning was another success and was very well attended by parents and the community. P6/7 have to be commended for their fabulous hosting skills and for leading the Mass so well. Our coffee morning raised a massive £226.30 so a huge thank you to all who supported by either attending or sending in cakes or raffle prizes. We must also take this opportunity to thank our lovely ladies who give up their own time every first Friday by setting up the hall, serving teas and coffees throughout and clearing up afterwards; we couldn’t do any of this without their help and appreciate it greatly.
On Friday we also held our first Pupil Voice session and every child is now a member of a Pupil Voice group within our school. Introductions have now been made and they will establish roles and priorities at their next meeting.
For our week ahead, our Nursery children are going to Deep Sea World on Wednesday and we hope they have a fabulous day.
It is parents’ evening on Thursday and appointment times are being issued on Monday. Please check your child’s bag for this and alert the school office as soon as possible if there are any problems.
Friday is our last day of school for term 1 – it is hard to believe that we are already one term into this academic year. It has been a very busy and very exciting term and I am sure term 2 will be equally exciting.
School and nursery reopen on Monday 19th October.
We hope you all have a restful October break.