Another successful week at Our Lady & St. Francis Primary School. Our children had their first whole Mass on Thursday and their behaviour was fantastic as always; what a lovely way to start our school year.
Our congratulations go to Mr Stephen Duffy our new Principal Teacher who became a dad for the first time this week. The lovely baby Anna Olivia arrived on Wednesday morning weighing in at 8lbs and both mum and baby are doing well.
Our children had their first Golden Time of the year and activities included: creative art, gardening, lego, origami, hama beads, drawing, music, cake decorating, football, early touches football, colouring-in and light cooking. We will post photos of these fantastic activities this week once we have all of our data forms returned giving parental permission for photographs.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Alice in Wonderland performance has been postponed to this Friday so we still have that to look forward to.
Work on our brand new cooking kitchen will begin on Monday and we will post photos of this as work progresses; we can’t wait to have this facility to use with our pupils.
The Motherwell Times will be visiting school on Tuesday to take photographs of our brand new Primary 1 pupils; full school uniforms for this please.
Mrs Ewart, music kodaly teacher, will commence her fortnightly visits to our school on Thursday of this week and will be auditioning for our school choir. Any pupil from P4 to P7 is welcome to audition for our choir and we hope to have a big uptake.
On Friday we are having our first Friday Mass followed by our monthly coffee morning. Due to NLC regulations, we can no longer accept home baking so will be looking for donations of shop bought biscuits and/or cakes. We will also be looking for donations of raffle prizes and our fabulous Primary 7 pupils will be responsible for this event. Please come along to Mass and the coffee morning if you can; all proceeds raised goes towards our school funds and our focus this year is developing our outdoors area.
Our pre-order system has begun in our school kitchen; please discuss the menu with your child so that they can make their choices in the morning. Menus are posted each week on twitter.
The September newsletter will be issued on Tuesday this week; please check your child’s school bag for this.
Please sign up to follow our school twitter page if you haven’t already done so as we will be using this increasingly to post updates and information for parents. Follow us at: @olsfschool
I want to say how impressed I have been with how organised the school have been since the new term started in August. Having the school calendar with all the important dates is fantastic. It is a huge help for working parents so thank you.
Thank you for the lovely, positive comment. We posted our calendar at the start of the year in response to feedback in our whole school self-evaluation questionnaires that were issued in June. We’re glad they help parents plan ahead for the academic year.