We have had a busy first week back at school and our Primary 1 pupils have been superstars! They are getting better every day at lining up in our yard and have worked hard in the classroom and are already making new friends. Their buddies in Primary 7 have been doing a fabulous job of looking after them but I suspect won’t be needed for too much longer! Can I ask that all parents move back from the lines in the morning when the bell rings to give the children the opportunity to line up independently.
Our P1-P3 pupils had a talk from the SSPCA on Wednesday and learned lots about the very important work that they do. They will be coming back to visit our school at a future date to talk with our P4-P7 pupils.
Our whole school had their first assembly on Friday afternoon and our P1 pupils sat through it very well; they even tried hard to join in with the hymns!
For our week ahead, we have our photographer in on Monday to take pictures of individual pupils; time permitting, the photographer may be able to take family photographs, but this will very much be dependent on time.
We are being visited by Morag Hay and Philip McGhee on Wednesday afternoon, both Continuous Improvement Officers from North Lanarkshire Council. They are taking over from Mr Tim Sharpe as our school advisers.
Father McGachey has very kindly offered us a back to school Mass on Thursday of this week at 10am in St. Francis Xavier Church. Please note there will be no coffee morning following this Mass; this will take place at our First Friday mass on 4th September.
On Friday of this week, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is coming to Carfin! Our whole school will have the opportunity to see this performance in our school hall on Friday afternoon and we are very much looking forward to this.
Please return the annual data forms as soon as possible to the school office – we are awaiting these before we can post photos to twitter and our school website.
As always, we welcome your views and comments.