It was another busy week at OLSF last week. Our Primary 7 pupils had their induction days for Taylor High School on Monday and Tuesday. There was a public speaking competition on the Monday afternoon and 3 of our Primary 7 girls won! Very well done girls, we are very proud of you!
On Wednesday, our Primary 7 pupils were busy again. This time it was the Wear Yellow sponsored walk at Strathclyde Park, and all proceeds raised go directly to St. Andrew’s Hospice, a very worthy cause.
On Friday, we had a beautiful whole school Mass followed by our coffee morning. Thanks to all who came along or donated home baking for this event.
Looking forward to our week ahead, our Primary 7 children will be visiting Newmains Pastoral Centre for a post Confirmation retreat. Primary 6 children will have their retreat on Wednesday of this week.
We also have our school discos on Monday evening; P1-P3 disco times are 6.15pm until 7.45pm and the P4-P7 disco will be from 8pm until 9.30pm. There will be no entrance fee for this and children should need no more than £1 each for tuck shop. Parents are respectfully requested not to stay with their child for health and safety reasons as there are a large number of children at each disco and there is sufficient supervision already organised.
Mr Mason will be coming to our school on Wednesday and Thursday to offer karate taster sessions to all of our children – many thanks to Mr Mason for this.
On Friday we will be holding our annual Sports’ Day, so fingers crossed for a dry day! Parents are most welcome to come along and watch their child participating but we ask that you do not take photographs of your child during this event. We do not have permission from all parents from this and we will take lots of pictures ourselves and post them on Twitter for all to see.
Our Primary 4 pupils will miss Sports’ Day this year as they will be participating in Primary Games with other North Lanarkshire Schools. We will be looking for parent helpers for this, so if you can help out, please contact the school office.