Health week was a huge success! All of our children have enjoyed cooking with Mrs McNaughton, dancing with Miss O’Donnell and Mrs Ayton and athletics from the NL Athletics team. All good things must come to an end however, and it’s back to full school uniforms this week!
Last week also saw the last of our Rosay Club Tuesday lunch times. It was standing room again on Tuesday; we have been overwhelmed by the uptake and enthusiasm of our children for this. Many thanks to our local Legion of Mary ladies for organising this for us – it is much appreciated by all.
On Thursday evening we had a beautiful Confirmation Mass involving our P6 and P7 pupils. As always, our pupils did us proud and participated beautifully throughout. A massive amount of preparation went into this beforehand, so many thanks to all staff involved in this. Thanks must also go to His Lordship, Bishop Toal and Father McGachey for such a beautiful Mass.
For our week ahead, our Primary 7 pupils are going to be very busy! On Monday and Tuesday, they have Taylor High induction days and on Wednesday, they are involved in the Wear Yellow Walk at Strathclyde Park.
On Sunday 7th June, our Sacramental children from P4, P6 and P7 are invited to participate in a procession in Carfin Grotto at 3pm. We hope as many children as possible will participate in this (and that the sun shines for the occasion!)
On Friday this week, it is our first Friday Mass followed by our coffee morning. P3/4 will lead the liturgy this time and will assist at the coffee morning. As always, we will be looking for donations of home baking (nut free, please) and raffle prizes for this.