Our week started with our fabulous choir performing at the Glasgow Music Festival. They came fourth (although we think they should have won!) and the judges commented on how beautifully presented they were.
On Tuesday, we had a representative from Yorkhill Children’s Charity, another of our Lenten Charities. All of our themed Fridays are intended to raise funds for these very worthwhile causes and we appreciate your £1 donations each week towards them.
On Friday, all of our children watched the solar eclipse safely on class smartboards. Children learned lots about an eclipse and eyesight safety; some classes wrote fabulous writing pieces on solar eclipses too.
For our week ahead, we are having confessions for P4 to P7 children throughout the week. Our Primary 2 children are getting a Mini Beast workshop on Wednesday to tie in with their current topic and it looks set to be very interesting. Our Primary 1 children will also be getting height and weight checks on Wednesday, and dental health checks on Friday.
On Saturday 28th, our Parent Council have organised for a bag packing day in Tesco in Wishaw. Our upper school children have been invited to help out at this, to raise funds for our school. If you have still to return your slip to say your child can help out, then please do so this week. Also, if you want any further information regarding this event, please contact the school office.
Our Primary 3 children will be making the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday evening in St. Francis Xavier Church. Letters were issued to parents on Friday with further details on this. Please ensure your child is at Church 15 minutes before the beginning of the service and is dressed in full school uniform.
This week ahead is our last full week before our Spring Break – remember school closes on Thursday 2nd April at 2.30pm.