Another successful and busy week in Our Lady and St. Francis! Our ‘Dress As a Favourite Film Character Day’ on Friday was a huge success and there were a number of fantastic ‘characters’ in school. On Friday evening we had the hugely successful Frozen Singalong. We raised approximately £700!! Thank you to all who attended and supported this event, this money will be spent on our children for additional resources in school. We have to say a massive thank you to our Parent Council for their tireless commitment to fundraising for our school. They did a power of work preparing for last night and its success is down to their organisation and enthusiasm.
We attended the Cross Country trials on Thursday and a number of our children have been placed and have made it to the next round – well done! Thank you also to our parent helpers. Without their help, we couldn’t attend these events.
We have another busy week ahead of us in OLSF. On Thursday, we have our Onesie/Pyjama Lenten fundraiser and on Friday we have our First Friday mass and coffee morning. This Mass will also be an enrolment Mass for our P3, P4, P6 and P7 pupils who will be receiving Sacraments this year. Parents and carers who are able to attend are welcome to do so. Please note, there will be no 820am Mass on Friday.
We are delighted with the turnout of children and families at morning Mass during Lent and hope this continues throughout the month of March.