On Wednesday of this week, four of our pupils participated in North Lanarkshire Council’s Euroquiz. They did tremendously well and were only 4 points away from the winning team. A huge well done to all of them for both their participation and their behaviour and positive attitudes throughout. A huge thank you also to Mrs Crooks for preparing them so well and accompanying them on the day.
Our children brought home jotters this week for parents to see and our response was overwhelmingly positive. We are delighted to share all their hard work with you and it’s lovely to hear the positive feedback.
On Friday of this week we had a ‘Wild About Scotland’ bus in our yard. P6 and P5/6 pupils had the opportunity to visit the bus and had workshops on Scottish wildlife. Look out for their pictures in the Motherwell Times very soon!
This week ahead we will be joined by Elisenda, a Spanish assistant from Taylor High. She will be working with our upper school to help them with their Spanish fluency. We will also be joined again by the English department on Monday who will be working with our Primary 7 pupils as part of our transition programme.
Our first Friday Mass will take place this Friday, with P5/6 leading the Mass. This will be followed by our coffee morning, again led by P5/6. As always, we will be looking for donations of home baking (nut free, please) and raffle prizes. We will also be announcing our 200 club winner at the coffee morning.
Our Parent Council have announced that their upcoming Frozen Singalong is a complete sell out! They were inundated with requests for tickets on Friday when they went on sale and we are delighted with the response. It looks set to be a great night!