Our week started with a jam packed inset day for teachers. All of Taylor High School’s associated Primary Schools met on Monday morning to share good practice and participate in moderation in mathematics.
Our timetable for After School Clubs continues and children enjoyed Arts and Crafts, Quizz Kids and Cross Country clubs this week. Many thanks to all of our teaching staff who have signed up to take an After School Club during this academic session.
We also had an informal School Improvement Visit from our Quality Improvement Manager, Tim Sharpe. Mr Sharpe recognised our very well-mannered children and hard working staff and is looking forward to visiting us again on the 2nd and 3rd of December for a formal Improvement Visit along with two head teachers from North Lanarkshire Council.
Nativity practices are well under way and children are singing and participating well. A letter with details of performances and ticket availability will be issued tomorrow (Monday 24th); please check your child’s bag for details.
We are looking forward to our ‘Day of Dance’ on Friday, and letters have already been issued with details of this event. Please return sponsor forms to the office as soon as possible – all money will go to school funds and all children in our school will benefit from this.