Friday 28th March 2014

It was fantastic to see such a great turn-out at Parents’ Evening last night. There were certainly lots of happy smiles on the faces of both parents and pupils as they walked out of the hall – proof of just how hard so many of the boys and girls have worked this year and how well they’ve behaved. I’m really proud of you!

A HUGE thank you to the Parent Council who manned the Book Fayre, gift shop and raffle stall throughout the evening. It was extremely generous of you to give so freely of your own time to support the school. Thank you!

I’m absolutely delighted to announce that the raffle and gift shop raised the fantastic sum of £270. £200 of this has been donated directly to the school to help towards the P7 trip to York. Any money left over will be used to kick-start our campaign to raise funds to replace SMARTBoards in classrooms across the school. Thank you to the Parent Council for this very generous donation!

£770 worth of books were purchased from the Book Fayre this week. This money automatically earns St Bartholomew’s ‘book credits’ which we can use to buy reading books, library books and various other resources for the school. I’ll post the exact amount we have earned on Monday’s blog.

Once again, many, many thanks to the Parent Council for all their hard work last night. What an amazing boost to our school funds and resources! You’re absolute stars!

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