Monday 24th March 2014

The nursery karaoke night was a great success on Friday and raised the fantastic sum of £1300 for nursery funds. Many thanks to everyone who helped organise the event and to nursery parents, carers and friends who supported it and helped raise such an impressive amount of money.

Our Book Fayre begins today and will run until Friday. This not only provides an opportunity for pupils to pick up a great book which sparks their interest, but also earns the school free books and resources. October’s Book Fayre raised enough credit for us to purchase over £700 worth of infant reading books. This was a real boost to our literacy resources. Please support this week’s Book Fayre and remember that it will also be open during Parents’ Evening on Thursday.

There will be three separate meetings in school tomorrow evening. The Parent Council meets in the staffroom at 6.00pm. There will also be a meeting providing information about the P7 trip to Kilbowie in the Music Room at 6.30pm, followed by a meeting about the York trip. Please could I ask all parents and carers to enter and exit the school via the back door on Deveron Street. Thank you.

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