Thursday 30th January 2014

Primary 4/3 are off to Glasgow Science Centre today. The boys and girls took the time to watch a video about the centre in class yesterday and are all very excited about their special day. The class are absolutely loving their current topic on the human body and there’ll be lots of opportunities today to find out even more about how the body works. Have a fantastic day, boys and girls. Remember that you’re ambassadors for St Bartholomew’s, so absolute best behaviour and manners, please!

Father Doherty will be in school this morning to celebrate Mass with Primary 7 in our newly refurbished oratory. The children will be doing the readings and have also written their own bidding prayers. Primary 6 found their class Mass last term a very special experience; I’m sure that today’s celebration of the Eucharist will be equally special and memorable for our Primary 7 pupils.

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