Wednesday 11th December 2013

First of all, a HUGE well done to Primary 1-3 for their fantastic performance of ‘It’s a Baby!’ yesterday afternoon. You sang, spoke, danced and acted like absolute professionals! Thanks too to Mrs Carlin, Mrs Deeney and Miss Hamill for all their hard work preparing for the show and to Mrs McBride, Mrs Dolan, Mr Lynch, Mrs Smillie and Mrs Clare for all their help behind the scenes. Here’s a photo of the superstars:

The boys and girls have an exciting afternoon ahead of them as the entire school heads off to the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow for the pantomime, ‘Pinocchio’. A HUGE thank you to Mark Millar for funding this exciting trip for St Bartholomew’s pupils. The children will head off by bus at 12.30pm, enjoy the fun-packed show at the theatre, be treated to an ice cream and then have the fantastic opportunity of meeting the cast. It’s going to be a great afternoon!

The children are due back at approximately 4.30pm. It will be dark by this time so, for health and safety reasons, all pupils will be brought into the school building and released from the main front entrance. Please can I ask that parents and carers do not take their child when they come off the bus as it is vital that we can account for every pupil once we are back. Thanks for your help.

I’m delighted to announce that we raised a total of £565 from our various Christmas events. None of these were ran as major fund-raisers, so this is a very welcome amount to add to our school fund. Thank you to all parents, carers and friends for your support and generosity.

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