Thursday 14th November 2013

It’s going to be a real sporting end to the week here at St Bart’s. Primary 6 will be continuing with their badminton coaching this morning and Primary 7 will have their usual Gaelic football training with Mr Bradley in the afternoon. As part of our Personalisation & Choice modules later today, Mr Lynch will doing football coaching with P4-7 pupils and Mr Hughes will be putting a group of boys and girls through their paces with some fitness training.

The sporting action continues tomorrow with a special treat for every single pupil. A team of Tae Kwan Do coaches will spend the whole day in St Bartholomew’s and all P1-7 pupils will have a special Tae Kwan Do taster session. We already have a number of Tae Kwan Do champions in the school… Hopefully tomorrow’s sessions will inspire lots more St Bart’s pupils to take up the sport. Please would all parents and carers ensure their child has their gym kit tomorrow. Thank you.

Have a good day, everyone!

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