Friday 8th November 2013

I’m absolutely delighted to announce that an anonymous donor has very kindly offered to pay for custom-made benches for our computer suite. Our twenty-five new computers are fantastic and the boys and girls are having great fun using them to enhance their learning. However, the narrow school desks they’ve been sitting on since June have been far from ideal and have made it difficult for the children to use the computer keyboards. However, that’s all about to change, thanks to a donation of £800! Contractors will spend the whole morning in St Bartholomew’s kitting out the room with the new benches and we’ll have a fantastic new computer suite by the end of today! Wow!!!

From all of us – pupils, staff, parents and carers – a HUGE thank you to the anonymous donor for your incredible generosity. Your thoughtfulness and financial support really will make a massive difference to every single pupil in the school. We’ll make sure every class leaves a special thank-you message for you on their class page once they’ve used the computer suite next week. Thank you, once again!

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