Wednesday 6th November 2013

Primary 4 are off on a one day retreat today as part of their preparations for their First Holy Communion. The boys and girls will step away from the usual busyness of St Bartholomew’s and have the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful day, with plenty of space to reflect, discuss ideas and pray. I know P4/3 are keen blog writers, so keep an eye on their class page over the next few days to read about their special day.

As always, it was great to welcome the ‘Pray for our School Group’ to St Bartholomew’s yesterday morning. This committed group of parishioners meet once a month in the school oratory to pray for the needs of the school. The St Bart’s team (pupils and staff) are a very talented and hard-working bunch. However, we continually need God’s strength to reach our full potential, so it’s a great encouragement to know that so many people are praying for us behind the scenes. And, of course, the P7’s absolutely love joining the parishioners after their prayer time for tea, some home-baking and a good old blether! Many, many thanks to the ‘Pray for Our School Group’ for your commitment to St Bartholomew’s. ‘The prayer of a good person has a powerful effect.’ (James 5:16)

Please can all parents and carers remember to return the form indicating how they wish to receive future newsletters (electronically or on paper). The November/December newsletter will go out next week, so it is essential that we have a response from everyone by Friday. Thank you.

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