Thursday 24th October 2013

Father Doherty will be celebrating Mass with Primary 6 in the school oratory this morning. It’s sure to be a very peaceful, prayerful and intimate celebration of the Eucharist – one which I’m sure the boys and girls will gain a great deal from. The children will do the readings and have also written their own bidding prayers. We greatly appreciate Father Doherty’s input to the school this year and value the pastoral care he provides for our pupils. Primary 5 and Primary 7 will celebrate their own class Masses later in the year.

I’m delighted to announce that we have raised £900 from our recent sponsored walk! This money will help subsidise class trips for pupils across the school. Many thanks to everyone who helped raise this fantastic sum of money and for all those legs (young and not so young!) that made the journey around Drumpellier Park last month!

Finally, we had two good questions posted by parents on yesterday’s blog. The first question asked which disco P3 pupils from the P4/3 class should attend. Ideally, P3 pupils should attend the P1-3 disco at 6pm. However, if a particular child has a strong friendship group within the P4/3 class, there is no issue with them attending the later P4-7 disco. The only rule is they can’t attend both!.. Bouncers will be on duty!

The second question asked if a Halloween Parade is planned for next week. The children will be able to wear their Halloween costume on the afternoon of Thursday 31st October and our whole school community will gather together in the hall to show-off all the different outfits; there will be a prize for the best costume in each class. The children will then head off to their own classroom for some Halloween games and activities. Please note that the parade is not open to parents. However, we do have a St Andrew’s Day concert planned for the end of November which all parents are invited to as well as a special Christmas afternoon and an infant Nativity scheduled for the month of December.

2 thoughts on “Thursday 24th October 2013”

  1. Thank you for reply regarding parade, sounds like great fun for the kids and maybe the teachers will join in with the dressing up???? :). St Bartholomews is a far happier school and has a great new look.

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