Wednesday 23rd October 2013

I think we must have had one of our shortest Parent Council meetings ever last night, but I must say it was an absolute pleasure being amongst such an enthusiastic bunch of parents. Our meeting focused on arrangements for the Halloween discos which will take place on Friday 1st November. The P1-3 disco will be from 6.00 – 7.00pm and the P4-7 disco from 7.15 – 8.15pm. As always, there’ll be a live DJ and there will even be the chance to dook for apples! Many thanks to the Parent Council for organising the event. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow, priced £1.50.

We’re delighted to welcome Mr Joe McAvoy to St Bartholomew’s this morning. Joe is our school’s Quality Improvement Manager. His role is to support us in taking forward the priorities of our Improvement Plan and to act as a ‘critical friend’: someone who challenges us to look at things from a different angle, reflect on our practice and be the very best we can be. As part of his visit, Joe will be visiting P1 and P6 to enjoy some active maths with the children. We hope you enjoy your morning in St Bart’s, Mr McAvoy!

2 thoughts on “Wednesday 23rd October 2013”

  1. Exciting things happening at school, I see there is a disco but is there a Halloween parade for the kids? and if so what are the arrangements?

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