Wednesday 9th October 2013

Our harvest offerings of canned food will be gathered together in the oratory this morning to remind us of all God’s blessings and of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. I’ve noticed on my visits to classrooms this week that there’s been a great response from the children. The food will be donated to a nearby soup kitchen and distributed to some of the most needy people in our local community. There’s still time to bring something in for this very worthwhile cause – Mrs O’Neill will be collecting items up until Friday.

Primary 2 & 3 are off to Drumpellier Park again this morning to continue with their art project. As mentioned in last week’s blog, the children are working towards producing a piece of art in aluminium, based on the plants and trees found in the park. The final piece will be put on permanent display in the Drumpellier Park Visitors Centre as well as around the loch. This is a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to create something that will be enjoyed by the general public for many, many years to come.

As mentioned in the newsletter that was sent home yesterday, please can we have any remaining sponsor money into the school office as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we are currently sitting at almost £1000 less than we raised last year, so we will need to scale-down the plans we had for the money. If any parents/carers would like to help the school in raising much needed funds during the course of the year, please do get in touch. Many hands make light work! Thank you.

Please remember that the Book Fayre will be open throughout Parents’ Evening tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing you during the course of the evening.

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