Tuesday 27th August 2013

I am currently working on material for a new ‘You said… We did’ display board just inside the front door and spent part of my day yesterday re-reading the comments from last session’s parent/carer questionnaires. It was extremely encouraging to revisit the feedback we received and I was reminded, once again, of how fortunate St Bartholomew’s is to have such a supportive bunch of parents and carers. Thank you for so many positive comments and for the pointers you provided on how we can improve. The results of the questionnaires will be on display later this week… keep your eye on the red board to the right of the front door!

On the theme of St Bartholomew’s partnership with parents and carers, the first Parent Council session of the year will take place this evening. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all parents and carers to seriously consider getting involved in St Bartholomew’s Parent Council. It’s a great opportunity to contribute to the life and work of the school and help ensure the very best for our pupils. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you’d like more information on what’s involved. Tonight’s meeting will take place in the staffroom at 6.00pm (please enter via the back door of the school). Please note that minutes of Parent Council meetings will be made available on our school website this year under ‘Information’.

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