Friday 23rd August 2013

Today, we celebrate the feast of our school’s patron, St Bartholomew (many thanks to my friend, Mrs Murphy, for her happy St Bartholomew’s Day wishes!). We will join the parish community in the church for Mass at 10.00am. All family and friends are invited to join us. I noticed Primary 7 wrote prayers for St Bartholomew’s Day yesterday. One of these can be found on the P7 page (click on the ‘learning pencil’ at the bottom of the website homepage).

Primary 4 had a very interesting visit from the police yesterday. Thankfully, the police officer wasn’t turning up to arrest anyone, but to give the children a presentation on the valuable work of the police within our local community. The children listened exceptionally well and did the school proud! You can read about the visit on the P4 class page.

We had our assembly a day early this week. Congratulations to our first ‘Cool Class’ of the year (Primary 4) and our seven Pupils of the Week. Please check out the ‘success’ section of our website to see who got this week’s awards.

It was brought to my attention earlier this week that, in our eagerness to disappear for the summer holidays on the last day of term, we forgot to post the Cool Class and Pupils of the Week. Sorry, boys and girls! To Molly and all the other pupils of the week, as well as our final cool class of the 2012/13 session (P5), belated congratulations!!!

Happy St Bartholomew’s Day, everyone!

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