Monday 15th December 2014

The infant Nativity, ‘Jesus in the Manger’ is only a day away. The boys and girls have been working extremely hard over the past month or so and will perform today’s dress rehearsal for the P4-7 classes. Tickets are going fast, but there are still a few available from the school office, priced £3.00.

Please note that Mrs Smillie is not in school today, so Mrs Clare will be manning the office for parts of the day by herself. Please bear with us of we take slightly longer to answer the telephone than normal.

Primary 6 have been busy producing their own special Christmas books over the past few weeks. It’s been a long-term project, with each pupil writing their story in stages and redrafting it, along with illustrations, into a handmade book. I took some photos in the early stages (see below) and I’m looking forward to popping in later this week to read the finished masterpieces!

We now have sixty followers on Twitter. I hope that many of you were able to enjoy following our trip to the pantomime on Thursday. To make it easier to access, there is now a ‘Follow us on Twitter’ icon next to the Head Teacher’s blog on the website homepage. Simply click on this and you will be taken to the St Bart’s Twitter page.

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