Friday 22nd August 2014

It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the end of the first week of term already. And what a great week it’s been! The children have settled in extremely well, especially our new Primary 1s who have taken the first week of ‘big school’ in their stride! Well done for all your hard work, boys and girls, and thank you to all the teachers for getting the year off to such a great start. I’m looking forward to awarding our first Pupil of the Week certificates at assembly today, along with the Cool Class Cup. Click on ‘Success’ at the bottom of our website homepage later today to find out the proud winners.

A photographer from the Advertiser will be in St Bart’s on Tuesday to take a photograph of our new Primary 1s (all 38 of them!). The boys and girls already look ultra-smart in their new school uniforms, but I wanted to give parents and carers a bit of advanced warning in case you want to do a final check on that school tie come Tuesday morning or use a wee bit extra hair gel to get that perfect look! I’m looking forward to seeing our fantastic P1s smiling out from the pages of the Advertiser in a few weeks time!

Finally, please remember that St Bartholomew’s has a Breakfast Club every morning from 8.15am onwards. The children can purchase cereal, toast and juice for a very small amount of money and enjoy their first meal of the day in the company of their friends. It would be great to see some new pupils join our Breakfast Club regulars.

The weekend forecast is for sunshine. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!

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