Monday 19th May 2014

Primary 7 arrived back in Townhead safe and sound on Friday evening after an absolutely fantastic week away in Yorkshire. A string of smiling faces filed off the coach on Friday, each with their own highlight of their time away. Mrs Bolland and Mr Hughes had an equally enjoyable week and were both extremely complimentary about the children’s behaviour, manners and enthusiasm throughout the excursion. Thank you for being great ambassadors for St Bartholomew’s, boys and girls!

Now that the exterior of the school has been repainted, I’m delighted to say that a new sign (see photograph below) will be fitted to the building in the next week or so to direct visitors towards the main entrance. As you can see, the new sign has been designed to tie in with our red doors (and, of course, our school colours) and will be the perfect finishing touch to our newly refurbished building.

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