Friday 16th May 2014

It’s a sad day here at St Bartholomew’s as we say say goodbye to Mrs McBride, one of our Classroom Assistants. Mrs McBride has been a valued member of staff for many years and a well-loved helper and friend to literally hundreds of boys and girls. The playground just isn’t going to be the same on Monday morning. We’re really going to miss you, Mrs McBride, but we wish you all the very best in your new job. Keep in touch!

There’s not much to say about Primary 7’s day at Flamingo Land yesterday apart from…. THEY HAD A BLAST! The boys and girls had an unlimited ticket for all of the rides, so it was fun, fun, fun from beginning to end! (See photos below).

The boys and girls will be leaving Scarborough at 9 o’clock this morning and heading north to Newcastle. The original plan was to visit Old Trafford, but the timings just didn’t work out. However, we managed to get a lunchtime booking for St James’ Park which I’m sure will be an equally exciting trip. Once they leave the football ground, the boys and girls will have around a 3 hour journey home , so should be back in Coatbridge between 5.00-5.30pm. The exact arrival time will be sent out by text and posted on the blog around 3 o’clock this afternoon.

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